Mad Hatter Page 9 ‘ ee i i cit DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES PAM oP ia Vv bw Understanding Northwest Coast Indian Art LECTURES AND A FIELD TRIP — #675 This introduction to Northwest Coast native art will include such topics as: interpreting the figures represented, regional differences in art style, and the function of art in the society. A discussion of modern directions in native art and the major contemporary artists will also be included. Poles, masks and other wooden sculptures as well as contemporary prints and jewelry will be examined. The two evening lectures will be illustrated with slides. A Saturday field trip to the U.B.C. Museum of Anthropology and the Vancouver Museum will supplement the lectures. (suggested reading: Hilary Stewart's Looking At Indian Art of the Northwest Coast, 1979} Douglas College | Fee: $25.00 (includes Museum Admissions plus Thursday, March 8 & 15, 1984 cotfee/juice & a muffin at 0900 in the Cafeteria) Time: 1930 - 2200 Instructor: Alan McMillan, Saturday, March 17 Anthropology Department Timer 0930 - 1530 Douglas College Sessions: 3