Mad Hatter Page 4 Relocating Procedures Procedure for Relocating Offices, Furniture, and Staff Within the College Facility: Lity: PREAMBLE: Physical Plant has recently completed an inventory of all furniture and equipment in classrooms, faculty offices, and meeting rooms. Specialized (designated) teaching spaces and administrative office areas will be inventoried within the next week or two. This process has allowed us to produce a 'master' list of spaces together with the contents, occupants, services, potential usage, etcetera, of each space. PROCEDURE: In order to keep our ‘inventory’ current, we ask that the following procedure to be followed should a request be forthcoming to relocate people or furniture, to add new faculty and furniture, or to vacate an office due to termination of staff/faculty. 1. Request for relocation of people and/or furniture will be in writing; as will in- formation giving additional staff or deletion of staff/faculty. 2. Director of the division/department is to be aware of (and authorize) the move. Director is also responsible for notifying Physical Plant of impending new faculty/ staff and/or of departing faculty/staff. (The appropriate Dean should be copied with this information). 3. Request is then to be forwarded to the Director of Physical Plant and Site Services. It will be reviewed and either approved or not approved, based on space available, services provided/needed within the space, cost of implications caused by the move (phones, keys, utilities, janitorial, etcetera). When approved, appropriate action by the Physical Plant Department will be taken to accomplish the move, ie. a) switchboard will be notified of change of location/local of person b) mailroom will be notified c) telephones will be relocated/reprogrammed as required d) keys will be dispensed/exchanged as required e) inventory will be kept current to allow for upgrading of furniture, as budgets permit. Co-operation with respect to the above will allow for optimum use of our facility, most effective use of budgets, and the most expedient service by Physical Plant to meet your requirements. Approved by Management Committee September 6/83