Employees that are interested in the course are requested to submit a written reply to the Personnel Department by December 23, 1983. i Lj SPECIAL GUEST PARKING Policy 1. It is desirable to provide a limited amount of parking for college guests. 2. This parking shouid be at tio cost to the guest and therefore of low cost to the college. 3. Eight parking slots are available for this purpose at the Royal Avenue Ceremon- jal Entrance. This driveway entrance is clearly marked "PERMITS ONLY, TOWAWAY ZONE." Procedure 1. Temporary permits must be obtained from the Physical Plant Department for any vehicles parked in this area. . A limited amount of permanent parking, by permit, may be made available to handi- capped persons whose vehicles will not access the three level indoor parkade. RB 3. The right to issue temporary parking in- vitations is restricted to the Senior Administration' College President, Deans, and Bursar. 4. Permission in all cases is through the Department of Physical Plant via the Director of that department or his des- ignate. . The nost will issue his or her business card to their guest with the date and approximate period of time clearly in- dicated on the face of the card. on a . The guest must place this card on the dashboard of the vehicle so that the name, date and time are visible. 7. To prevent over-booking, the host must notify the Physical Plant Department wel] in advance, who in turn will notify the MAD -HATTER PAGE 5 a ici AS COLLEGE pOUGL aa at -o ARCHIVES —e security desk. 8. In the unlikely situation that all guest spots have been occupied for a particular time period, permission to park will be denied. 9. All vehicles without permits will be towed away. ee Sa a ee DOUGLAS COLLEGE NIGHT at THE HOT JAZZ CLUB 36 E. Broadway, Vancouver (at Main) featuring THREE JAZZ BANDS FROM DOUGLAS COLLEGE Blair Fisher and Alan Matheson, Directors Friday, December 2, 1923 9 PM - 1 AM Advance tickets available at the music office (Rm. 3200A) or from Band members. n Special advance rates: $2.50 students & members $4.00 non-students All proceeds go towards producing the second Douglas College Jazz album. Have a great time and support the Jazz Club TIME AND DATE CHANGES Please note time and date changes for the following Band Concerts: The D.C. Concert & Jazz Bands' performance on Thurs. Dec. 1 in the theatre will be at 8 P.M. The D.C. Community Band and Community Jazz Band performance will be on’ Friday, Dec. 9, at 8 P.M. in the theatre.