MEMORANDUM OF INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATION TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 16: Ken Moore DATE: August 26, 1974 Graydon Roberts Jim McIntosh Don Porter Bill Morfey George Wootton Bob Lisson Hank Naylor FROM: Bill Day and Jim McIntosh As a result of the likely inéreased amount of time that Jim McIntosh will be spending on long range planriing and governmental reports related to our permanent campus development, and the rapidly growing need for publicity work as it relates to our continuing development of programs in the community, it is evident that: there must be an increased amount of time and effort placed on publicity work in addition to the existing flyer and direct mail system, and that this time and effort will have to come from someone else other than Jim. This increased amount of publicity would likely in large part consist of publicity releases to our weekly newspapers, to the Columbian, and on occasion, to the Vancouver déilies, and such activities as setting up interviews, photo releases, etc. Self-evidently, Jim McIntosh cannot write copy for the plethora of activities and developments that are occurring within the College, and in any case the problem of priority setting of publicity becomes critical and bears very much on decisions made in the academic areas of the College. Therefore, on the assumption that the Colleqe is not likely going to be hiring additional publicity staff during the current fiscal year, but also on the assumption that there is a recognition of the need for effort in this area, we propose the following short-term solutions: THAT: (a) a person be employed as a publicist for up to three days per week - these days to be consecutive - and the functions of this position to be broadened from those presently discharged by the incumbent, Les Way, to include the generétion of publicity release material in reportage style. THAT: (b) press releases developed in this fashion would be sent out via Rhoda Waddington on a pre-arranged schedule. Of . ce