Your GUIDE To THE Candidate name and What experience do} What Is your What are some Any other you bring to the position on the initiatives you wish | comments? posifion running for. | job? CFS? to bring? I’ve been a member of the DCSS I do not have an opinion at this time. Rep. Committee for two years and I do not have enough information on am fully aware of the responsibilities | the CFS. of the position of VPI. I’m very organized and believe in fairness for all. Bonny Shotropa Vice President Internal Currently Soccer Manager and I believe that when looking back on yo Alissa Ophoff Vice President Internal employee of the Athletics department. My job has given me the opportunity to get to know the student;s needs and concerns and has sharpened my organizational and management skills. I was also president of Johnston Heights’ Multicultural club. college years, you should remember more than just your GPA, that’s why I am a bi supporter of Athletics, Student Functi and Activities. I don't want to make any promises I ca keep. I can only promise to do the best job can. I have the leadership and int skills needed for this position, and will do everything in my power to represent the best interests of the students. Darryl Flasch Vice President Internal I have been very active in social issues for many years. In the last year, I participated in the Aids Walk, World Aids Day, International Day of Elimination of Racism, International Women’s Day, Stop the Violence against Women and Student Council as Social Services Rep. I believe the students of DC have the final say and a referendum should be held. To bring accountability of the Student Society to the students. Make the DCSS and all its initiatives open to all students. Fight for student centered Education. Laura Selman Vice President Internal One year as a UT representative with the DCSS. I am also the women’s liaison for the David Lam campus and am vey organized. Improve upon the student handbook. Keep communication open between the clubs, associations and Student Society. Also wrap up on any union negotiations that need to be completed. Hope voter turn out isn’t too disappointing. Rhonda Lussier Treasurer Iam currently DCSS Treasurer and have maintained this position for the winter semester. Previously, I served as representa- tive for students with disabilities for a one year term. During my term as rep for students with disabilities, I opened two new telephone lines equipped with telecommuni- cation devices for the deaf. As treasurer, I am busy organizing all of the DCSS accounts and bringing them up to date. I have also been quite active in contributing time to various college committees as well as student society committees. I believe in the freedom of choice people have the right to choose what is right for them. Let the students decide whether they want to be part of the federation or not. I would like to have the opportunity to complete the projects which I have started as well as continuing on with the completion of the new student resource building. Some of the new projects I wish to commence work on are such things as: -Reassessing the Student Society finances. -A stronger relationship with clubs and associations within Douglas Colleges. -Designing a more efficient Student Society budget. I am currently the Treasurer of Student Council at the Native Education Centre. Native Ed. is a satellite campus of Douglas College. I am also in a theatre group that promotes social awareness through As a member of the CFS, and a representative to the International Student Conference in Cuba, I think there is strength in the CFS’ numbers. I believe the CFS would be beneficial to Douglas College, but this question I would like to see more recycling programs throughout the school, as well as maintaining current student programs and clubs. The most important aspect of the Treasurer position is fiscal and financial responsibility. In an era of governments who cannot provide balanced budgets; I can promise and assure you that if I am Treasurer, I will Jack Shehadeh Business Rep of me as a mediator. short plays. needs referendum from the student balance more than your budget. body. Leah White Treasurer I like to help students. People think I support the CFS. Hopefully to bring the most action in | Must enhance the co-op program to the program. hold meetings at all three campuses and hopefully have more positions available, as well as a better course selection, especially during summer semesters. Tia A. McCullough Psych Nursing Rep. Years of experience with mediation and intervention. Assistance with provincial and federal elections. Member of secondary school debate team. Excellent communication skills especially public speaking. Involvement with NDP party. Douglas College and CFS need to work out differences in the past and work together. However, it is ulti- mately up to the students at Douglas College whether or not they wish to be members. Referendum is a must. Increase in number of bursaries and scholarships available to psychiatric nursing students. Students centered education. Maintaining tuition freeze. Referen- dum Re: CFS. Vocalize concerns of nursing students.