Eee ee Saree anne eennaeTeeeneee the Bther Press Volume 23 © Issue 1 * September 9 1998 Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 Fax 525.3505 or 527-5095 David Lam Campus Room A3107 Phone 527-5805 The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous stu- dent newspaper. We've been publishing since 1976. The Other Press is run as a non- hierarchical collective, which means that if anything goes wrong,«blame it on Trent. The OP is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters and monthly [as a magazine] during the sum- mer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registra- tion, and from local and national advertising revenue, The Other Press is a mem- ber of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student news- papers from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to pub- lish, and what not to pub- lish, but usually we print everything, unless it is racist, sexist or homophobic. If you have any quibbles with what we choose, maybe you should get your lazy butt down here and help. Coordinators Athletics ~ Hamish Knox sports@op.douglas. Culture ~ Jochen Beirptumpel a&e@op. douglas. Coquitlam ~ Lorenzo Sia CUP Liaison ~ Johnson Tai Distribution ~ Vacant advertising@op. douglas. Features ~ Annette Martin News ~ Homan Sanaie OP/Ed ~ Tom Laws opinions @op. douglas. Photography ~ Dave Tam Production ~ Joanna Cole Webslinger ~ Mark Smeets op_web@op. douglas. Employees Advertising ~ John Morash Bookkeeping ~ Zahra Jamal Production Resource ~ Joyce Robinson Editorial Resource ~ Corene McKay Contributors Kristina Holtz, Jennifer Sim, Jim Chliboyko, Mike Quong, Anita Lee, Julia Cornestor, Cathy Tan, Jo Cole, Rob Hancock, Brad Larson, Jason the comic guy, Jason the not-so-comic guy, Lori Robinson, Holy Mother of Reverend Tom, Postscript Error Handler (infernal device), QuarkXpressives, and his evil twin, QuarkXPletives, also the demon fonts on Macs Homer thru Bert. 2 Page 2 September 9 1998 ~~ \ Devil's Advocate nother summer gone by the Av School begins again with only memories of the few months past, and all the excitement that went with it. Gone for another year is the PNE (or Pacific National Exhibition) undoubtedly the biggest two week wet dream for pedophiles and child molesters in the Lower Mainland. There can be no question that the seasoned pervert was out in full force, walking around and drooling with delight at the little girls walk- ing around in halter tops with bra straps showing. Pre-teen girls wearing pants so tight, one would swear they were not cloth but paint slapped on their legs, with platform shoes and enough makeup products to pay off a small country’s debt. And, even more importantly, with no parents or responsible adults anywhere to be found. Where are the parents? They're off either working, or enjoying them- selves with their friends while their daughters are out pretending they're supermodels in a world they are not even close to being able to deal with. And then no one can believe it was their daughter that got raped. Now, this is not to justify some Qn lacking sex and neutral JOANNA COLE have a male friend who is the [= of rugged masculinity. He is handsome, intelligent, athletic, fixes cars and builds things. He is also an extremely good man, and he manages to pull it all off without being an annoying week. He'd just won an inflatable hammer in a test of strength and to say he was happy would be a major understatement. For whatever reason, a female friend of mine mentioned that his prowess didn't make him seem any less ‘gender neutral’ Gender Neutral? What the —? Apparently egomaniac. - this term bothers ; A guy . Men have friends. Women J him. eek a have best friends, close } If you could His personality | friends, acquaintances, oe in a | ° chonary on Lie can transcend} the people they are nice | (1, i = almost any to just in case...the list | because I haven't ee ioy| Goes on. And that’s just | published ic yer) uld find any teound for other females. eye ding him because he brings out the best in them. (Author's note to subject: if your head starts to swell about this glow- ing description, | will hurt you.) Like all men, he has his insecuri- ties and like all men he seems to really enjoy being macho. Which is why I’m writing this. A large group of us were stand- ing ina line up at the PNE last Letter was delighted to read about the [se garden contest that's being run through Douglas College. Keep it up. You're working locally, I concentrate globally. Both are needed. Religions usually are so busy debating whether chairs should be allowed in churches for eating on, attacking other religions like Archbishop Exner attacking church- es led by homosexuals, or protest- ing religious bashing, euthanasia, homosexuality, abortion and even contraception that they ignore what increasing human impact ts doing to our one and only home—earth. Diminishing congregations are term in a very small G section. gender neutral (adj., n) g. neuter, g. neutrality. 1. Without gender. ex. “Gee that paramecium sure has mastered asexual reproduction” 2. A sphere of friendship between women and men. This term is used by many women in different forms. ex “you're like a brother.” It stems from a female belief that some men okay with environmentalists, unless churches join their concerns for stopping human destruction of the web of life on which we all depend. Occasionally I see a glimmer of hope in this lack of religious con- cern about the environment. “Religious groups see climate change as a potential danger to ‘God's world”...A majority of the Republican-led-Congress has vowed not to approve the Kyoto agreement and is fighting what it says are Clinton'’s...efforts to independently promote and carry out the agree- ments provisions... [his is one rea- son the church groups decided to publicize their activity on climate Is this your daughter? pervert’s lifestyle, indeed the oppo- site, but to point out that if people don’t start taking some interest in what their children are doing, the situation is going to get a lot worse. Surely there were some in the crowd who had never thought about a pre-teen girl before, but who, after seeing the parade of flesh before their eyes, may have second thoughts. relationships can only be friends and a male belief that they cannot only be friends with women. To counter this conflict, females attempt to cultivate female-type friendships with males, thus creating a friend who is neither male (wanna go to a monster truck rally) nor female (let's go buy shoes). The fact is, women are great classifiers. And even friendships arent safe from this. Men have friends. Women have best friends, close friends, acquaintances, the people they are nice to just in case...the list goes on. And that’s just for other females. Male friends are a whole other kettle of fish. There are friends, friends you wish were more, friends you wish would clue in there will never be more, friends who will work in a snap for a dateless event, friends your parents hassle you about (both positive and negative) and the gender neutral friend. Again, the list goes on. Every woman is different, so while I may classify one guy as gen- change communities measure the global economy not only by what it produces, but also by its impact on the environ- ment...Earlier this year, a group of Jewish and Christian leaders urged Congress to re-authorize the Endangered Species Act, which they likened to Noah's ark. (Christian Science Monitor, 25 Aug.) Tragically Canada doesn't even have such an Act. The icing on the cake in that edition of the paper was a letter to the editor whose headline was “In eco(ological) debates, include popu- lation growth” It makes clear we must stop population growth. PLT ea = YY F Sex has become the next babysit- ter. Parents dropping their kids off at the mall to hang out all day looking like they are about to start a striptease show on centre stage, and then come to pick them up after work. Molesters and rapists have cars too, and have easy access to the mall for scouting purposes. But it would never happen to your daughter. Just like you'll never get cancer from smoking, that hap- pens to somebody else. Sadly, it will take a tragedy like a serial rapist on a spree without get- ting caught to drive some sense into everyone, and show them that these things actually do happen when you! don't give a rat’s ass about how your children grow up. der neutral, others may not. The case in point—my friend at the PNE. I don’t think he’s gender neu- tral. My girl friend does. It’s not that she thinks he’s any less masculine than I do, or that he's just like a girl. It’s just as friendships go, she’s comfortable with him. She’s not attracted to him for anything other than his friendship though, and that is her qualifier for the gender neutrality moniker. The point is, guys, being gender neutral isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s not always a good thing either, but sometimes gender neutrality is the highest compliment a woman can pay a man. It implies trust and comfort. The only thing gender neutrality precludes is a dating rela- tionship because it would be too much like kissing your brother. And that is somewhere no normal woman wants to go. Global warming is caused by green- house gases which are emitted by the extravagance of the rich and the desperation of the poor. The latter have no options but to burn forests to provide a living for themselves, thus destroying carbon sinks of the future and releasing greenhouse gases in the present. Thus global warming increases with population increase and churches must devote much more effort to save the envi- ronment. Ken McLean, Lower Mainlan Sustainable Population Group,