WV April 30, 1996 Congratulations to Douglas College Presi- dent, Dr. Susan Hunter-Harvey. She has been an extremely busy woman during the past school year and, in the process, has managed to achieve significant success in the college community. However, after many attempts to interview the president so that students may get to know her better, she has also managed to avoid meeting the student press of | Douglas College. The following is an open letter to Dr. Susan Hunter-Harvey ex- pressing our concern about this issue. to us. We heard nothing more from you re- garding this sensitive subject. Being a successful women in your field, it’s odd that you didn’t jump at the chance to encourage other women to strive for excel- lence and equality in their chosen ambitions. Oh well. The other day, we sent a reporter up to the president's office to talk to you, much like we did in the past when Bill Day was the presi- dent of the college. We were always able to meet with Bill, and that’s the reason why we sometime wander up to your office on a whim. (We're just curious people here at the OP, and sometimes we like to tell the stu- dents what’s happening on the 4th floor). We were told you were out of the country, and that it would be at least three weeks until it would be possible to set up a time and meet with you. It’s going to be difficult to summa- rize your thoughts on your first eight months at Douglas College when you're not here to speak to, so we had to scrap that idea for the moment and write this letter with the hope you will read it and respond ASAP This all strikes us as a little odd, especially because you went out of your way last Sep- tember to meet with the communications office at Douglas to arrange “to meet the media through a series of meetings, in order to help get our message out.” ‘Here’s a little secret, Susan; Meet with the Other Press and we'll be more than happy to get your message out. Dear Susan: After learning last September that your appointment as president was official, we were eager to talk to you about your plans for the future of Douglas College. That was a hectic time for many people, so we agreed to submit a list of questions to your secretary and wait until you had the time to meet the Other Press. But because you had a “get aquainted session” with the Douglas College Student Society, we here at the OP expected ‘to be visited shortly thereafter, but that didn’t happen. So we waited (patiently) for a re- sponse from the president's office. In the meantime, another opportunity to speak to the OP arose when our annual Women’s Issue was being produced for March 5. We felt you might like some input toward the Issue, so we requested an inter- view. Again, we were told that you had a busy schedule and that your office would get back Your Truly, The Other Press To the Other Press Jennifer Bishop Dave Seaweed Li-Lin Hsu Naomi Boqusky ’ Runglawee Sudsawart Jennie Johns | really appreciate having the Petra Bourne , Stacy Taylor Kimiko Karpoff opportunity to publicly thank the Sandra Joyce Buma Jade Wee Janice Lambert many volunteers who have ‘Kirsten Chursinoff Nimali Wijayanayake Daniel Le Van participated in the Language Jarrod Cook Andrew Williams Allen Louie Partner Program for ESL Michelle Cummings ~ Cary Wong Cecelia Low Ah Kee students at Douglas College. Elizabeth Czaja Gweny Wong Patricia MacMillan Linda Feldhaus Vivian Wong Ralph Mills | hope the Other Press can Scott Harris Ann Yamashita Derek Harvey Neale once again, run the names Dale Harvey Hiroshi Yasuoka Lenore Ogilvy below for the Winter, 1996 Michelle Henderson Anita Yee Lois Reimer semester in your next edition Marwan Issa Carolyn Yun Gordon Roberts scheduled for March. | Karen Langley Chris Zuk Bernardita Romasanta appreciate the support. Thank Jason Lau Julian Siklodi you. Shiun Lee From the Community Dani Srour Conteantors Patrick Longworth Steven Tan Douglas Colleg rity guards, Language Partner Program Alan Loo Paul Archer Ampy Tercias B.C. Allen, Andrew Garroll, Peter T. Winter 1996 Jason Mak Brian Beck Jean Todd 4 Chattaway, David , Daniela Penny Maiott Carmen Cook Alan Turkington Zones ee or Thank you Volunteers! Amalia Mamani Margaret Cope Lucette Wesley Harsher Mann Nicole Duffield Myrle Westervelt Douglas College Students & Mimi Mori Julie Eastman Diane Wiesner Quebec?) Staff Kevin Ng Mrs. Freeman Miwa Oyama ' Mr. Freeman on behalf of the students, ap ota Tim Arinobu Jay Patel Char Generaux staff and faculty from ESL Accounting - Ma David Ashton Jamia Pestano Rob Han and International Education. —_ | Production Reso Nicole Batistic Shanti Reda Doug Hartley Se Melissa Bennett Shawn Ridout Dennis Howes ¥ Pra Aa 4 m= Bt