INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 24, 1989 Coming Events Unless otherwise stated all events take place in the Douglas Collage Performing Arts Theatre, Room 4140, 4th Floor, North Building, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster Campus. For further information about these events, please call the Douglas College Box Office, 527-5488. @ To October 31 @ November 6 - December 1 # November 17 - 26 — 8:00 p.m. Birds: The Art of Glen Rabena The Art of Jack Campbell. Anne of Green Gables Serigraphs & 3-dimensional work Paper sculpture, water colours, Musical production presented by the Theatre Foyer Gallery & Library Foyer acrylics (landscape & figuritive Theatre Department. Two Sunday Gallery, Mon.-Thurs: 9 a.m.—9 p.m.; scenes). Theatre Foyer Gallery & matinees Nov. 19 & 26 - 2:00 p.m. Fri.-Sat: 9 a.m.—9 p.m. Library Foyer Gallery Admission: $8 general; Free Admission. Mon. - Thurs.: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. $5 students/seniors # Tuesdays, October 24 & 31, TASTE ETE SOO RRSEIM | o ecre:ihign. Sis ~8-90 190 pm. November 7, 21, 28, @ Wednesday, November 8 — 7:00 p.m. Piano Duo Recital with Dale Reubert December 5 — 2:00 p.m. Leona Gom. & Roslyn Frantz. Noon at New West Music Student Recitals Literature Alive '89 - Readings by Series - Free Admission. Free Admission. Writers. Room 3343. Free. @ Saturday, November 25 @ October 23 - 28 # Thursday, November 9 Douglas College Christmas Party International Education Week Douglas College Foundation Fall Awards Ceremony & @ Thurs., Nov. 30 — 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. @ = Thurs. October 26 — 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Recognition of Volunteers Trumpet Recital. Blair Fisher Guitar Recital by Michael Strutt Noon at New West Series - Free. | Noon at New West Series - | Free Admission. # Thursday, November 30 — 8:00 p.m. Douglas College Concert Band and Stage Band. Ed Bach, director. Free @ Saturday, December 2— 8:00 p.m. Student Showcase Recital. Free # December 7,8,9, 14,15&16 The Miss Firecracker Contest Nov.1 ..... Recommended deadline for submitting applications for bwawe BBS é open enrollment programs for the Gorin Geracsten, ® Selrday, Decomber 8G stniay SSS oe Applications received after this date will be considered but December 10 — 8:00 p.m. eee eee will receive a late registration appointment. Douglas College Choral Society Nov.10 ... .Last day to drop a course or completely withdraw from the presents Liebestieder Walzes Opus a a SB College. (Students will receive a “W” on permanent record.) (Johannes Brahms) & Carmina Si emees ee Last day to challenge a course. Burana (Carl Orff). Tatsuo Hoshina, Nov.13 . . . . College closed - Remembrance Day GiSeIOT, Eee Bariingion, plano . Nov. 15 i sate . def Sneinth . . Ellen Silverman, piano. Five ov. - + » . Interim transcript grade forms due in the Registrar’s Office percussionists. Soloists to be Dec.8 ..... Last day of classes announced. Admission: $10 general, Dec. 11-19 . . . Examination period $8 students/seniors Dec.19 w.0. 03 Grades due for classes without final exams @ Sunday, December 17 Dec.25 ..... College closed - Christmas Day The Amabills Singers (Douglas Dee.26 6:66 x College closed - Boxing Day College Community Choir) © Dec. 28 ..... Grades due for classes with final exams Diane Loomer, director 7