DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 5 The commission chairman was elected to West Vancouver School Board in 1978 and again in 1980 and was appointed chairman of the board in 1982. He now serves as president of the Lions Gate Medical Research Founda- tion and as a member of the West Vancouver Parks and Recreation Commission. Mr.. Sager was chosen as Citizen of the Year in West Vancouver in 1980. Mr. Stables retired last September as Sup- erintendent of the Greater Victoria School District, a post he held for almost six years. Prior to that he was Assistant Sup- erintendent in the North Vancouver School District after a long and distinguished career as high school principal at various points throughout the rpovince. Since his retirement he has been doing gen- eral management consulting work from White Rock, where he now resides. Winslow Keys Sought From: Pat Thomasson Anyone still having keys for the Winslow Site, please would you return them to me. I am trying to sort out the Winslow key situation and we are short a great number of keys. Please make sure they are clearly labelled as to which doors they are for. Donation From Student Society Appreciated The College received another piece of valu- able equipment thanks to the interest of the Student Society. A four-track variable speed tape recorder has arrived and is housed in the library. This plays and records regular two-track cassette tapes as well as four-track cas- settes used by many American organizations in making tape recording for blind people. for listening to tapes at a wide range of speeds. A student can "skim" the informa- tion by speeding up the output, without having the "Donald Duck" effect. The re- corder. will be used by visually impaired | 1 . | A special feature of this recorder allows students in order that they may use taped versions of textbooks. A special thank you to the Student Society for their support. Gladys Klassen Employment Opportunities Kwantlen College: ical Programs | | Director of Technolog- | | Kwantlen College has received approval to establish six new two-year technology pro- grams over the next two years at our Newton | Campus located in Surrey. Anticipated cap- acity will be 490 students enrolled in Bus- iness Computer Systems, Electrical, Elec- tronic, Chemical, Civil and Mechanical technologies. The major objective of all programs is to prepare students for employ- | ment in industry. | Reporting to the Vice-President, Academic, | the Director will be responsible for the establishment and operation of these pro- grams. The Director will become an inte- gral member of the College management team | and will receive full support as the Col- lege expands its educational programming into this new area. The successful candidate will have at least a Masters Degree preferably in the Computer/ Electrical field, together with a minimum of five years recent practical experience. , Management experience is essential. The College offers a competitive salary with an! attractive fringe benefit package. | | | Resumes should be forwarded by February 25, 1983 quoting Comp No. 83-003 to: