Hearing children a eee English by heariz it over and over, and by imitating what. they hear. As the child grows older he begins to hear his own mistak and cor- rects” them, ‘While the ct ild doesn't know grammatical rules, he recognizes an er- Yor because it doesn't sar right. Ob- viously a deaf child learn English this way. English must ie presented. vis- ually for him to learn the langua Sign language, lip reading, and - speliing are several ways Of vinlelliging ae Nese Pec function around the ninth or tenth grade level. ‘There are several reasons for this difference. The main reason is that for most deaf people, Eng- lish is a foreign language, i.e. a se iausvars. Just as most hearing people — arely master a foreign language, a nae gen eeetia eae /a second lang- uage are also faced by the deaf person when learning English. Another barrier that hir | a deaf per- son's ability to lear English is that he is re ‘ ae ee ea in Cet to lear English. A french aking person has the advantage of inatelee Eng- _ lish through the use of his own language. The deaf person must learn a language he _ does not hear or understand. | For deat ‘Ameslan (sign lan fuage) vu | fluency in writinc English can be Pots lem. Ameslan has a unique structure and order that is much simpler than English. Example: I will not be here next week be- cause I will be on holiday. realistic to. expect a deaf student t write with the same fluency and natural word order that a hearing student has. While it is proper to assist the deaf student oy improving his ee oo ills, it is important for the : 1 tee GE teen eae cam ete Ne cth ean er ae ee hear- | 3). ee of als ne the ees to recognize that most deaf students will never achieve fluency. } = Se = a REMINDER FROM PRINTING DEPARIMEN? Now is the time to plan those manuals you} ay to have ee in het ee & 4 . The ee es . Be eas ‘outing 4,558 ] pee These requests, created quite | a few problems; to compound the problem, t ust when the » printing d ¢ l) originator. gardi aleabil: igce A eet se regarding cians to be sold “trough (ia bookstore: will | be reached. 2) Bookstore issues a purchase c obies to printing department authorizing the | quantity of manuals they will accept. copies to Surrey B Bookstore; 5 faculty copies; etc. (Has the - pees been authorized and hanged ro) caer eee ail a ae Rass | ‘the somes to | ae bookstores, as| per instructic Agee on eras