Employment Opportunities DOUGLAS COLLEGE A regular (Full-time) Faculty member for its Child Care Worker Program within the Social Services and Allied Health Department. An appropriate combination of academic preparation, line and supervisory ex- perience and instructional skills are expected of applicants. Expected Starting Date is 20 July, 1981. Please apply in writing quoting competition #81 - 664 to: Douglas College Personnel Department P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Closing date for applications is 17 April, 1981. DOUGLAS COLLEGE Requires a LIBRARIAN This is a Public Services position in- volving reference and orientation duties as well as assuming responsibility for circulation/I.L.L. functions. Systems experience and aptitude are desirable as is college/academic library exper- ience. Professional credentials are essential. Closing date for applications: May 4, 1981. Please apply in writing quoting competition #81 - 665 to: Douglas College Personnel Department P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 MAD HATTER PAGE 1 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY DEAN CF INSTRUCTION FAIRVIEW COLLEGE -— ALBERTA THE POSITION: As Dean, you would report directly to the President and serve as the Senior Academic Officer of the College. You will be responsible for program quality; relevance and appraisal of content; innovative delivery methods; development of academic policies; long range plannning, budget control; and the recruitment, selection and evaluat- ion of faculty. QUALIFICATION: The successful candidate will likely possess a broad knowledge of technical/vocational areas, a grad- uate degree and experience in college teaching and administration. This per- son should also possess a background in agriculture, engineering or the trades. Please submit your resume, including names and address of references to: The President Fairview College Box 3000 Fairview, Alberta TOH 110 (403) 835-2213 loc.54 NORTHERN LIGHTS COLLEGE “Requires a REGISTRAR Northern Lights College operates four campuses in North Eastern British Columbia. The Registrar occupies a pro- fessional position and reports to the Dean of Instruction. Responsibilities include development of procedure regard- ing student admissions; preparing re- ports for local, provincial, and federal agencies; advertising programs of study within the college region; maintaining student records; and participating in the Admin Committee. QUALIFICATION: A Bachelors Degree and a minimum of five years related experience. LOCATION: Dawson Creek, B.C. STARTING DATE: May l, 1981 COMPETITION NO. 81:025 Resumes and the names of three referees may be submitted to: The Office of Personnel Services, NORTHERN LIGHTS COLLEGE, 11041 - 8th Street, Dawson Creek, B.C. V1G 4G2