issue 27 // volume 43 arts // no. 9 Finely designed worldbuilding and shapeshifting > ‘The Tiger and the Wolf’ book review Caroline Ho Arts Editor keke I The Tiger and the Wolf, fantasy and sci-fi author Adrian Tchaikovsky steps into a fantastic prehistoric world steeped in the perfect blend of magic, mythos, and humanity. The Tiger and the Wolf, published in February 2016, is the first in the ongoing Echoes of the Fall series. In this world, humans live in clans affiliated with certain animals and everyone has the power to Step—to shapeshift into the form of their people’s animal. Our protagonist Maniye, as the title suggests, is the daughter of a Wolf chieftain and the queen of the Tiger, and although she can Step into both forms, she belongs with neither people. Before you think this is a simple story of an outcast girl caught between her two heritages, I promise you, it’s so much more. The plot involves forging political alliances, negotiating between familial ties, and navigating one’s own path through this brilliantly-crafted world. In fact, this novel’s strongest aspect is its world—more specifically the shapeshifting magic and the mythology behind it all. It’s hard to present shapeshifting in a way that doesn't feel either overdone or overpowered, but Tchaikovsky deftly weaves the ability into the different cultures. Part of the reason it works is because the setting is so suited to it: The world roughly parallels Earth’s early Iron Age based on the level of technology and the size of human settlements, and humanity’s close bond with nature integrates seamlessly into this period. Every aspect of the shapeshifting— from how people learn to master their powers to how they deal with clothing when they Step—is well thought-out. The Tiger and the Wolf also succeeds at building different cultures around different animals in a convincing, nuanced manner, rather than homogenizing each people. All of the characters are clearly shaped by their upbringings in their respective clans, but these societies are far from two-dimensional personifications of their animals. For example, the Wolves are fierce fighters who live in hierarchical village tribes, and most people of the Bear are temperamentally aloof and physically huge, but these traits inform the characters without defining them. It feels like the characters themselves are the ones to reinforce stereotypes between different peoples, rather than the author forcing them into simplistic moulds. The novel’s world also meshes beautifully with the mythology. Every group of people has its own patron god: The Wolf, Tiger, Old Crocodile, Serpent, and many more. Maniye, torn between her two bloodlines, is forced to do some serious soul-searching relating to these deities, and through her the reader is introduced to the truly epic scope of this world’s prehistoric aspects. I did find a couple of problems with this book. A few points in the story did feel a bit deus ex machina, with characters being saved at the last minute by coincidences that are a little too convenient and predictable. However, the plot still contained enough twists to keep me more than engaged. The characters come across as a bit lacking, and although none of the important characters are intolerably bland, none of them really feel as completely developed and sympathetic as I'd like. Still, the rich world surrounding the characters more than makes up for these deficiencies. I can't help but compare this novel to Tchaikovsky’s 10-book epic Shadows of the Apt, which is one of my absolute favourite series of all time. Shadows of the Apt features humans with insect aspects, and the series has some of the most impressive, immersive worldbuilding and mythos I’ve ever encountered, melding together magic, military fantasy, and steampunk technology. The world of Echoes of the Fall is so far considerably shallower than Shadows of the Apt, and I have to admit my heart belongs to the author’s first series (which, The optimism of ‘Star Trek’ > A franchise propelled by hope for humans Greg Waldock Staff Writer hings were hard in the Cold War, especially during the late 1960s. The threat of human extinction was, for the first time ever, a very real possibility. Americans were suddenly forced to confront the racism in their legal system and overhaul centuries-old social structures. A president had been shot in the past few years, along with most of his family. The environment was beginning to show signs of mass degradation. In the midst of all this bleakness, people were finding hope in what science had revealed. This became the focus of one of the most influential TV shows of all time, and arguably the beginning of nerd culture: Star Trek. The premise of the show is that, in the future, the human race has shed the need for war, money, or social hierarchy, and humanity has become a peaceful and progressive society devoted to science and exploration. Almost all countries unite under the Federation, which has tasked crews with exploring space. The goal of Captain James Kirk and his spaceship’s crew is to find new, advanced civilizations and share art and technology for the betterment of all. This show’s concept was unexpected and lighthearted at a time when humans were, in the real world, threatening each other with nuclear holocaust. The real optimism shines through most in the cast. When it first began, Star Trek featured one of the most diverse casts of actors in any television show, and it repeatedly pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable for the time. Nichelle Nichols played Uhara, one of the first recurring black characters on a major network. They even had a prominent Russian character at a time when the Cuban Missile Crisis was still recent memory. One of the most famous examples of the commitment to portraying a truly post-racial society was having Kirk and Uhara kiss, the first-ever interracial kiss on camera. The studio was so reluctant to actually depict a real kiss that William Shatner and Nichols intentionally ruined every take other than the legitimate one, forcing them to air it. The idea of human society eventually overcoming the bad parts of its nature, like racism and war, wasn’t new to science ADRIAN TCHAIKOVSKY Photo via I must emphasize, is amazing). Having read both, it’s impressive that Tchaikovsky has managed to build another complex, cohesive world around this same concept of humans with animal characteristics. The Bear and the Serpent, book two of Echoes of the Fall, came out earlier this year. I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet, but I have full faith that it is just as enthralling. Screenshot from Star Trek fiction, but it was new to a television audience. Star Trek wasn't just advocating for a humanity that could cure diseases and explore the universe through science and technology, it was saying that, through science and technology, we can grow past the hate and tribalism and make something better. When the Civil Rights Movement and peace protests around the world were broadcast on television and the radio for everyone to be inspired by, it was a pretty hard idea to argue with.