@ www.theotherpress.ca Feature this money from the hands of criminals could aversely affect more than just organized crime. Although pot activists decry the current use of public funds on the war on drugs—Vancouver- based advocate Jodie Emery spoke out against the cost of marijuana prohibition on CTV News last month, criticizing that the “tax payers are spending millions and millions of dollars every year on drug law enforcement, court costs, prison...”—it also seems that the money spent fighting pot use has created many jobs within the province. If marijuana were no longer illegal, it could have adverse economic repercussions as those employed to oppose marijuana could find themselves suddenly out of work. While one could argue that the tax revenue generated from legal sales could also generate new initiatives and sources of employment, there would undoubtedly be far-reaching consequences in a variety of sectors. Legalizing marijuana would also have massive political consequences. Despite the majority of Canadians now supporting the idea of legalization (an Angus Reid poll released on November 29 attested to 57 per cent of Canadians and 60 per cent of British Columbians being in favour of legalizing marijuana), many politicians have publically expressed resolute views in opposition. Prime Minister Stephen Harper firmly stated last year that, "No, it will not happen under our government...We're very concerned about the spread of drugs in the country and the damage it's doing and as you know we have legislation before the House [of Commons] to crack down.” A change in a viewpoint this strong would require a major shift in the politics of our highest leaders. Could we handle it? Taking money, crime and politics off the table, the question of whether or not to legalize marijuana in British Columbia often comes down to social issues. After a lifetime of prohibition of the substance, many members of the community perceive marijuana as illicit and inherently bad. One problem is that many people view weed as a “gateway drug” that leads people to use harder substances like cocaine, heroin, or crystal meth. Though the amount of weed being purchased in this province might suggest that marijuana use is fairly commonplace in BC—whereas hard drug use is not—this long- standing and long-taught idea could be difficult to change for many citizens. Another issue with legalizing weed is that, unlike with alcohol, it is difficult to measure if it is being used dangerously or irresponsibly. Marijuana can affect a user’s judgment, and there is no quick test that can be used to accurately analyze someone’s marijuana use (like a breathalyzer test would determine how much alcohol a driver has consumed) when driving. If legalized, this could pose an issue for public safety. Snuffing out a solution The decision to legalize marijuana in British Columbia is not clear-cut. What is clear, however, is that the issue is nearing a breaking point—two out of three respondents in the Angus Reid poll feel that the “war on drugs” is a failure, and, while the majority is slim, more people in this province feel that pot should be decriminalized than don’t. As more and more of our neighbours, like Washington, make changes to the status quo position on pot, perhaps it would be worthwhile for more of the community to look beyond our long- engrained views and consider all sides to the story. 13