tion of sport utility vehicles are the norm, air pollution will also increase unless steps are taken at a government level. Promised voluntary improve- ments by the auto industry have simply not materialized. But cars aren’t the only culprits. Coal-fired electrical power plants are another major source of air pollution that need to be phased out. Last year, when a major blackout hit a large portion of eastern North America, more than 100 power plants shut down and the air cleared up. In some areas of Pennsylvania, visibility increased by up to 40 kilometres. Levels of the pol- a Opinions ili lutant ozone also fell by up to 50 percent, while sulphur dioxide levels fell by up to 90 percent. Replacing these old power plants with clean-energy alternatives would go a long way towards improving air quality and our health. Air pollution in major cities of the developed world may have improved from the “bad old days,” but that’s no reason to be complacent. Clearly, our smoggy air is still hurting our health—especially that of our children. And that’s not something we should simply accept. BIG Info Session is Oct 13 The path you choose can make all the difference. [COMPUTER SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY | is one of many areas of study in Computing and IT. At BCIT we offer a unique blend of academic learning and real skills ~ a balance that ensures our graduates leave with the confidence they can succeed. Our programs are developed with input from industry leaders and taught by committed and experienced instructors to ensure our students have relevant knowledge and skills to contribute from day one. If you're at a point where you want to obtain a degree or diploma, establish a career or simply build on your existing skills, call 604-434-1610 or go to our new website www.bcit.ca for more information. Be A POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION APPLIED & NATURAL SCIENCES, BUSINESS & MEDIA, COMPUTING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES, HEALTH SCIENCES, TRADES ‘ SEPuHEMbEF = 22/e00N GUNEPPPeSS | Il