January 6 | Volume 21 Issuig'6 The Other Press is Doug oe 's autonomous stud have been publish ing autonomous mean: whatever we want. PI come on down to and taste power. Bus+Snow= I am writing this letter in response to the ‘Old Winter and Transit” article published in the last OP (November 23). Like Ian McAllister I am beyond compre- hending the utter stupidity and rudeness of BC transit employees. First of all, the reliability of their schedule is so bad it makes BC Ferries look like a gift from God. Last Monday was the worst. It was the day when we had an early morning snowfall that no one seemed to expect. (Hello people, it’s bloody well winter!) I live in Coquitlam and it takes one bus to get to Lougheed Mall and another to New West. I walked to my bus stop that day thinking all was well because I’m actually ten minutes early for a change. I’m confronted by the sight of four elderly womén huddled together and shi ring. The er Press Douglas College Room 1020 700 Royal Avenue New Westminster, BC either direction. This i pisses me off consideri cold I already am, being tively healthy twenty-year- how cold these four fossils mus by now. It seems the busses couldn’t make it up the hill, which strikes me as a huge crock of dung as I’ve been seeing Honda Civics and Fireflies tackle the roads with no problems. (It was only about five centimetres of the white stuff for Chrissake, not five feet!) To make matters worse, I had a group presentation in an hour and for this reason couldn’t resign myself to a blissful day of watching talkshow guests hurling insults at one another. So I began to WALK to the mall. This took me 45 minutes in the cold, wet snow. By the time I reached the mall, I was a deathly jour) - Michael Pii Contributers shade of blue and soaked from the hips down; this being the result of being splashed by drivers who I know were busting a gut as they drove by. To top it all off, my bus driver was so crabby it took all the self-control I had not to rip the “next stop” cable from the wall, wrap it around his thick neck, and then kick the crap out of him. Am I bitter, you may ask? Oh you I am. [sic] As far as I’m concerned the “award-winning” BC Transit System can kiss my sweet ass. It’s payback time. onymoys™ tra-marital affairs. I use this ord as lack of a better word as I é neither party was married. ebel made a clear point of how her lover was in a serious relation- ship, though, when she mentioned her lover’s girlfriend’s plans to move in. I am also disappointed because I thought that women had come much further than this lately, especially female Douglas College students. I am also troubled with Jezebel’s opinion of men. I am engaged to be married and fully trust my fiancee. I am not blind in my relationship and the communica- _ tion line between us is open. I think Jezebel’s opinion of men and relationships is unrealistic. I do not deny that some men are “pigs” but indeed, so are some women. I feel Jezebel’s action on her opinion is not fair. It is not right to punish her lover’s girlfriend because of her own mistrust of men. Maybe she will realize that later on in life, when she’s matured and married and the tables are turned on her. Contemplating continuing to read the OP, Monica Lonefurs. Pu Lays iturday night, = | gafftyself, and two oth peri a drunken waitress chose to wrap her arm around me and smirk at my girlfriend while asking me if I wanted a drink. My girlfriend, who was holding my hand at the time, was not impressed. When the waitress returned with my drink, she stroked my arm and requested my “undying love” in payment for can write some- | thing longer with- | out repeating your- | self, we may print it. Letters should be legible. If they’re on disk, we will be very happy. Each let- ter must include the writer’s name and phone number (how- ‘ever, if so asked, it. I asked her not to touch me again, as it was upsetting my girlfriend. She laughed and walked] away. Twenty minutes later, the waitress had her hands on me again. We headed to the bar and demanded to speak to the manager. The waitress, while walking past us, shoved my girlfriend in the back. That was unfortunate for her, because she then immediately walked straight into the back of a eee: and ake the drinks on suddéiily appeared and escorted us ut, I asked if I could have a few words with him, and he indulged me. I explained what happened, and, he proved his mental ability and positive attitude with scowls and a request that we pay for the drinks that the waitress had spilled. Concluding that this glorified bouncer (who reminded me of ‘Moose’ from the Archie comic) was determined to disagree with us, we left. My new friend from Calgary remarked “Man, some people out here act like f Americans.” Tim Staunton! fished). — Other Pre space ‘con- : straints. Dou- _ ble-check © your spelling | and gram- | mar: letters — 2 January 6 1997 The Other Press