September 10, 1991 the Other Press White Ribbon Campaign Seeks to Educate Men by Gord Belec The White Ribbon Campaign (WRC), is taking steps to initialize awareness of the violence against women, and some members of the Other Press have taken action to organize a campaign on campus. The WRO was originally created to remember the Lepine massacre where-14- women were slaughtered at the Universite de Montreal on December 6, 1989. anizers have since fad expanded themeaning of the white ribbons to represent men working together to end violence against women. “The White Ribbon Campaign was set to acknowledge the war on women, and by acknowledging the problem and surrendering to the war, we are able to quit contributing to the violence,” states Angus Adair, one of the organizers of the campaign. “I believe its encouraging,” says Chris MacLaren, co-organizer, “and ifnothing else,a positivestep forward towards awareness and possibly understanding mens violenceagainst women.” “The Campaign is a radical change in format with the white ribbon, which is distinct from anything else,” comments Angus Adair, “there’s a distinct symbolism involved.” “Its a first step for men to recognizeandacknowledgethat there is this problem [violence against wate but they have to do more throughout the year to educate themselves,” states Angela Chiotakos, “its got to be more thana 6 day affair.” Males of all ages can wear a white ribbon from December 1st to the 6th, and are available at the Other Press office in room 1020. Some Facts on Violence Against Women 1.Every 17 minutesasexualassault is committed in Canada, and 90% of the victims are female. 2.60% of collegeaged males report that under the epeicrcumy stances they would use , rape, orboth in sexual relations with a woman. 3.AWi study of 551 women found that 27% had been raped or sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Nearly 70% of the women knew their attackers. And 87% did not report the assault to the police. 4. Rates of violence against particular groups of women, including women with disabilities and Aboriginal women, are consistently higher. 5. Research has found that half of - sexually assaulted womenare under 17. TEN IMMEDIATE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO STOP THE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 1. Wear a White Ribbon from December Ist to December 6th. 2. Get your male friends to wear a White Ribbon. 3. Object to any sexually demeaning pictures of womenin the workplace. 4. Challengejokesandsexistlanguage thatimply violence towards, or abuse of, women. 5. Examine how your own behavior might contribute to the problem. 6. Contribute to your local shelter for battered women, rape crisis centre, or other women’s programs. 7. Ask your sports club, company, union, school, bisiness associates, or place of worship to start a White Ribbon Committee. 8. Join others in your community to insist that police lay charges in all cases of wife assault. 9. Write tothe media or toadvertisers to object to demeaning images of women. 10. Make a small donation to the White Ribbon Campaign. MEN WORKING TO END MEN'S VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN GET INVOLVED. Women everywhere in Canada live in fear of violence. The White Ribbon Cam- paign is an effort by men to break the silence on this issue, and make a differ- ence. By wearing a White Ribbon December 1 to 6, leading up to the com- memoration of the Montreal Massacre, worship or community. we help focus the reflection, discussion and commitment which can lead men to join women in taking respon- sibility for ending men’s violence against women. GET INVOLVED. 1-800-263-6276 IN TORONTO 416-596-1513 The White Ribbon campaign needs your financial support, and invites you to help start a White Ribbon Committee in your workplace, school, place of WHITE RIBBON CAMPAIGN