— Nov. 10, 1986 Page 2 The Other Press DCSS Update As I take my typewriter in hand, it signals that time of the fortnight; DCSS update time. Well now, what’s all been hap- pening around the Student Society? The International Student Identity cards are free to full time students and entitle them to dis- counts on everything from travel to meals. They are valid from the end of October/86 “until the end of December/87 and can be picked up in_ the Student Society office. Please bring a _ passport size photo with you. October 9, Punchlines comedian Barry Kennedy was here for a_ free Our Personal lf your hectic classroom schedule keeps you from doing your banking during regular hours, see us about a Royal Bank Client Card. With it you can make deposits, withdrawals, trans- fers and payments — after you choose your own Personal Security Code! Cards with- On-Campus SOUL J a {2 YEU LLY! 10 times as good as typing for nearly the same price. performance for the Douglas College students. The reception toward the idea of $a comedian providing entertainment on the Thursday _ break was encouraging and the DCSS will be bringing in another comedian at the beginning of November, Watch for it. Coming up on November 28, is the social of the semester. That’s right, the DCSS will be presenting the Ist annual Hawaiian Luau. Enjoy a typical Hawaiian feast, in- cluding roast pig, beef, and chickens. Watch the Hawaiian dancers floor show. Dance to the latest top 40 music. A good time Laser Typsetting - 24 type styles - fast service - Custom page layout - nothing to big or small - Student Rates - Room 1602, Douglas College. will be had by all. Watch here for further details in coming weeks. On October 16, the DCSS hosted a Task Force on Student Assistance. The task force went very smoothly and the inform- ation presented by various groups, ~ political parties and was very helpful and the results will be forthcom- ing in the near future. Thanks to all who helped out on the exciting event. COMING UP: Oct.31 - Marketing Social Nov.6 - Comedian Nov.7 - Ski Club Social: Australian Night Nov.28 - Hawaiian Luau students - Election interference continued cial ticket table, to go over and vote for Bouchard. “Nelson called me into his office after the ballot was pulled and told me that he was only telling people to vote period,” he said. Nelson says there is no reason to rule the election invalid because the CRO did not give a negative re- port to him after the elec- tion. Students get soaked Negotiations are under way to restructure a con- tract with the Canada Games Pool which allows Douglas College students unlimited free use of the weights and pool facili- ties. DCSS executive members Scott Nelson and Michael Booth will be meeting with pool officials in the near future, to work “T told him if he had an complaints to have a re port on my desk on Frida moming. There was n report,” said Nelson. He denies that the alle- ged threats to the CR could have swayed hi decision. “I ther cusion and were made,” said Nelson, who added, “but I prob ably would have hit th son of a bitch.” no > out a special volume rate contract. The current contract charges the full $2.50 per adult that casual users pay, an agreement that cost the society over $25,000 last semester. Nelson said that the CGP officials called back after he cancelled the con- tract when they wouldn’t agree to a special rate. Rank When You Like- Day or Nicht... ‘ Touch Banking machines are available 24 hours a day! out credit entitlement are available to all ROYAL BANK & Bank during YOUR hours anytime, day or night at any conveniently placed machine. There are over 80 Personal Touch Banking locations in the Lower Mainland. And your Client Card also gives you privileges through any banking machine in Canada and the U.S. displaying one of these withdrawal