The Other Press Nov. 10, 1986 Page 7 “Trendy” is, I am begin- ing to think, the most adly used word in the nglish language. In a onversation between two eenagers of any sex, it ill appear more often han “awesome”, “cool”, r even “radical”. What’s ven worse is that it is a ad word. If something is rendy, it is to be frowned pon. “Now while I may not be hat one would _ call ndy, I will run to the aid f those who are. Not ecause _I like them, but ecause of the — sheer ypocrisy tied up in that word. If you are trendy, you can’t be trendy. Ex: If ou like “Duran Duran” r “Glass Tiger’ (bands which many consider ndy), you are shunned wih WS, WW WE suipPeD THE upon by the ‘in’ crowd. Nobody really seems to care that you like dressing that way, takes _ into that perhaps you _ have been listening to that band for years before they became trendy. “Depeche Mode” is a prime. ex- ample, they went unoti- ced for years and_ the ‘alternative’ music people loved them, then they hit it big, and suddenly they were trendy. It doesn’t seem to faze any one that, no matter what musicians tell you, they don’t spend their time trying to stay out of the limelight. All this letter _—is designed to say is: Next time you find yourself cal- ling someone trendy, think about how _ trendy you probably are in their eyes. Jeff House CoP$-- FoR A _. A Hobbsian view of essay writing ~~ ted to the topic. You may grab titles such as: ‘Middle Age and How to Avoid It’, ‘The Filming of Excalibur’, and ‘Fashion — in the Middle Ages: How Much and no one}. consideration | into a thesis statement. Example: The Middle Ages came after prehistoric times but before the Me Generation. Elvis Presley did not live ages were a difficult time to live in, malheure- usement. And, ipso facto, the cows also had it hard. The people had very little to say merci for.” very bleak and not very well dressed most of the time.” There, do you see _ how easy it is? ‘One more thing about style, use slang. The use Hello boys and girls! My Leather is Enough?’The in the Middle Ages. There You also must learn to of certain colloquialisms is topic for today is: How more titles in your biblio- were many middle aged ‘flesh out’ your writing if a good way of demon- . Not to Write an Essay. graphy the better. (In- people in the Middle you hope to make the strating to your prof that The first step in doing an structors never read those Ages. In this essay I am minimum requirement of you are up on_ what’s essay is to select the things anyway, do they?) going to explore life in the words. It’s sort of like ad- current. Some _ examples: proper time to begin. For The best thing to do Middle Ages. ding soybeans to meat. “The men_ had radical many of us that means _ now is to launch right into Now things are really This is known as the Big beards and awesome skipping the class that your work. Outlines just rolling! One important Mac principle. Instead of weapons. However, these falls before the course in complicate matters. I’m concept to remember is writing, “War played a same dudes didn’t know which the essay is due. sure your instructor will that style comes before large part in the lives of dick about proper military That gives you at least two recognize such creative substance. It works for Bill the people”, write, “As ‘manoeuvres, absolutely.” hours of library time. Lets ‘stream of conciousness’ Vander Zalm and it will had been mentioned In conclusion, I would get started. writing and reward you~ work for you. previously, war, as it has like to add that you should Our hypothetical paper for it. Instructors go crazy come to be _ known -in always include the word will be titled “Life in the You must begin your over foreign words, so modern times, played a ‘conclude’ in your conluc- Middle Ages”. Go to the introduction with very inset them in you writing large part in the lives (if sion, otherwise your Shelves and select any general statements and wherever possible. Write you could call it a living) of deductions may not be books even remotley rela- ‘funnel’ your information things like, “The middle the people, who were conclusive, absolutely. OPS Board of Directors Editorial Co-ordinator: Colin Turkington The Orh ER Press Chairperson; vacant Entertainment Co-ordinator: Richard Haines Member, at Large: Cynthia Kilt Features Co-ordinator Doug Finnerty Member at Large vacant Classifieds’ Co-ordinator vacant Staff-Rep Kirstin Shaw Sports Co-ordinator vacant The Other Press is a democratically run, autono- = Staff Rep: John McDonald Recruitment Co-ordinator: Karen Dhillon mous student newspaper, serving Douglas College Susiness Manager: Kathy Hunter. Graphics Co-ordinator: Chris. Brown Photographic Co-ordinator; Rachael:Smith since 1976. It publishes 8 times a semester, every two Press /Statt weeks, under the auspices of The Other Publications Oe Set Production’ Co-ordinator: John McDonald Contributors Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct student Typesetter Co-ordinator Jeff House Jennifer Whiteside, Colin and Kevin. 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