. page two The Other Press Friday, Oct. 31, 1980 Other Employment 521 - 485! Interested in work over- seas? If the idea ot combining travel with a summer job sounds attractive, IAESTE may be able to help. IAESTE aims to provide career-oriented training abroad - normally for a period of 8-12 weeks during the summer - for students of engineering, the sciences and some related fields. 5 If you would like further information and registration forms, your campus repre- sentative is: - Student Placement, 521- 4851, Local 269. Or write IAESTE (Canada P.O. Box 1478, Kingston, Ont. K7L 5C7. Tel. 549-2248. 30 Women’s Information Room The Women’s Studies de- partment on the New West- minster campus requires a student authorized to work on the Work-Study Program ;to work in the Women’s Information Room. Appli- cants must be authorized to work on Work-Study, be familiar with. referral ser- vices available to women, able to assist with the organization of noon hour activities for women stu- dents and assist with some seasonal distribution of pro- gram information. Appli- cants are preferred who have reliable transportation. HOURS: Maximum of 15/wk WAGE: $3.50 - $4.00/hr dep. on exp. TO APPLY: Inquire at the’ financial aid office in Surrey to see if you are eligible to work on the_ work-study program. Phone 588-4411, Loc 277. Without authori- zation from the F/A office, student placement cannot refer you to these jobs. CONTACT: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 for a referral once you have received authorization to work on the Work-Study Program. Library A/V persons The NW campus Library currently has two openings for students to work in their A/V department. Duties will include assisting stu- dent, staff and faculty with A/V requests which in- volves filling orders for pre-booked software and playback equipment. LOCATION: NW Library HOURS: 7 1/2 per week during the Fall and Spring semesters WAGE: $3.50/hr TO APPLY: Inquire at the financial aid office in Surrey to see if you are eligible to work on the work study program. Phone 588-4411, Loc 277. Without authoriza tion from the F/A office student placement cannot refer you to this position. CONTACT: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 .for a referral once you have been authorized by the Fin- ancial Aid office to work on the Work-Study Program. Salesperson needed The Medical Data Bureau of Canada requires sales people to sell emergency medical burear' cards throughout the lower main- land. For further informa- tion please contact the Stu- dent Placement office in NW at 521-4851, Loc 269. Relief Staff Maple Ridge campus Stu- dent Services requires a student who is willing to work ‘‘on-call’’ as_ relief staff to cover for the regular stdent assistant when they are sick. Duties will include providing lunch hour and evening coverage in Student Services as necessary. HOURS: Applicants are preferred who could be available Monday to Friday, 12:00 - 2:00 pm, also Mon- day - Thursday evening, 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm. WAGE: $3.50/hr CONTACT: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 in NW for a referral. Activities Organizer The Womens’ Studies de- partment requires a student authorized to work on the Work-Study program to work for them organizing noon hour activities for women students on Rich- mond campus. Applicants must be authorized to work on the Work-Study program and be familiar with issues related with the women’s movement. LOCATION: Richmond campus WAGE: $3.50/$4.00/hr dep. on exp. HOURS: 15/wk TO APPLY: Inquire at the’ financial aid office in Surrey to see if you are eligible to. work on the work-study program. Phone 588-4411, Loc 277. Student placement cannot refer you to this; position if you are no authorized to work on work-? study. CONTACT: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 in NW for a referral once a : : you have received authoriz- ation to work on the Work- Study Program. Maximum of Assistant to Handicapped The City Market in New Westminster requires a stu- dent to work four nights per week distributing cushions to handicapped people play- ing Bingo. The position would allow a student time to study while working. LOCATION: Columbia St. in New Westminster HOURS: Monday - Thurs- day, 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm WAGE: Percentage basis depending on the number of cushions rented and collect- ed. CONTACT: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 in NW for a referral Clothing Sales A men’s clothing store in the Guildford Town Centre requires sales personned to work various hours on a part-time basis. Applicants must be well groomed, be able to work with the gener- al public and possess good communication skills. Pre- vious sales experience an asset, but not necessary to apply. LOCATION: Guildford Town Centre in Surrey HOURS: 20 hours per week WAGE: TBA depending on previous experience CONTACT: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 in NW for a referral. Be a Real Salesperson If you are interested in selling Amway products please call Ken Rideout at 584-3702, for further infor- mation. Initial investment is $70.00. Tutor a Kid A seven year old student in Surrey requires tutoring in writing and reading skills. LOCATION: Near Surrey Place in Surrey WAGE: $5.50/hr HOURS: TBA CONTACT: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 in NW for a referral. ‘Admissions Personnel Five students are required by the Surrey Admissions office to carry out the following duties: preparing envelopes for special mail- ings, preparing student files by creating numbers from strips, checking transcript availability for file refer- ence, filing transcripts, as- sisting Admissions clerks by inserting data into mailings, phoning students for mis- sing documentation, assist- ing in sorting and sequenc- ing registration forms and student information, inter- filing registration forms and sheets, assisting with trans- cript and file referencing, assisting with phone con- tacts, and assisting with preparation and sequencing of diplomas. HOURS: Maximum of 15/wk for Fall and Spring semesters WAGE: $3.50 or $4.00/hr depending on experience TO APPLY: Inquire at the financial aid office at 588- 4411, Loc 277 to see if you are eligible to work on the work-study program. Phone Without authorization from the F/A office, student placement cannot refer you to this position. CONTACT: Student place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 for a referal once you have received authorization to work on the program. Work on the | Calendars The Surrey campus Admis- sions office currently has an opening for a student to assist with assembling the calendars for Douglas Col- lege and Kwantlen College. The work will involve filing, stamping, duplicating and some computor work, where training will be provided. LOCATION: pus . WAGE: $3.50/hr HOURS: Maximum of [15/wk, flexible to your sche dule. SONTACT: Student Place- nent at 521-4851, Loc 269 n NW for a referral. Surrey Cam- Calligrapher wanted A student is required who is practiced in Calligraphy to do a poster for a resident of Burnaby. Ail expenses for materials will be supplied. LOCATION: Burnaby (Work may be picked up and done at student’s home) HOURS: TB A (Only 20 _ words need to be copied, so the job will not be too time-consuming) WAGE: TBA CONTACT: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, Loc 269 in NW for a referral.