ALL COLLEGE PERSONAL We would like to thank all College personnel who participated in the Orientation for Senior Secondary Students to Douglas College on March 17, 18 and 19. Our statistics show that three hundred and five prospective students attended over three days! Your recommendations and sugges- tions for next year’s orientation are in- vited. Please call any one of us to dis- cuss your ideas. Lorraine Cotter, local 2723 Georgina Davis, local 2762 Amanda Harby, local 2761 Sharon Helgesen, local 2763 Thank you again for your participation. The Academic Advisors in Student Services 1987-88 CALENDAR | want to thank Julie Beaucaire and Marilyn Kristian for bringing the Calendar in by the deadline date. Con- gratulations to both. Part of their success was due fo the co-operation from all contributors in the College. We appreciate the effort in keeping their deadlines and in adher- ing, for the most part, to the types of changes made in each of the intervals. Thanks to all concerned. Trish Angus, Registrar REPORT ON HONG KONG EDUCATION FAIR In mid-February, | had the privilege of representing Douglas College at an education fair in Hong Kong. During my stay, | visited the Education Division of the Heng Seng Bank, the Department of Education and the Seaker-Chan Foundation. All contacts related to an attempt to provide a higher profile for the B.C. College system. The fair itself took place over a week- end and we saw approximately 6000 - 7000 high school students and their parents. The fair was held in the Shun Tak shopping centre and, in my opinion, was well organized. Most people were interested in a University transfer program. | also tried to stress the requirement for English as a Second Language. There was some recognition that English profici- ency is important but the desire is to proceed as quickly as possible toward a degree. A lot of questions arose concerning the interface between the two educational systems and | believe it is critical to visually document this information. The educational profile of our province is low in Hong Kong and if we are to benefit from that market, we must raise our profile. The demand for post- secondary schooling is significant. The post-secondary institutions in Hong Kong cannot possible satisfy the demand. Three other countries, Australia, Great Britain and the U.S.A. are competing in this market. Anyone who would like further inform- ation, please give me a call. Trish Angus MAD HATTER 5 NAME CHANGE Please note that Connie Doherty from the Student Placement office has changed her name to Connie Hamre. CANCER FUND | am a canvasser for the Canadian Cancer Society, and would be de- lighted to receive your contribution. Income tax receipts will be issued. Murray Leslie, Dept. of Commerce and Business Administration MEETING ON SEXUAL ASSAULT Help make Douglas College a safer place for women. Come to the next strategy session for women on sexual assault. Open to staff, faculty and student women. Thursday, April 9, 1987 Two Sessions: !200 - 1300 hours or 1300 - 1400 hours Call Gillies Malnarich at 4227 or Ma- rian Exmann at 2722 for further in- formation. NOTICE TO ALL FACULTY, STAFF AND ADMINISTRATORS Effective April 13th, the Mad Hatter will be issued every two weeks during the summer. More information regarding submission dates will be in next week’s Mad Hatter.