OC ad DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES op Mad Hatte A Douglas College atter May 28, 1981 TO ALL ADMINISTRATION, FACULTY AND SUPPORT STAFF OF DOUGLAS AND KWANTLEN COLLEGES. In honour of Mary Christy, who will be retiring at the end of June after ll years with Douglas College, a Wine and Cheese Party will be held on June 25, 1981, 3:30 p.m. in the Boardroom, New Westminster Campus of Douglas College. Anyone wishing to attend, please send 24.00 to either Manon Remming at Douglas College, New Westminster Campus or Pat Kavalec at Kwantlen College, Newton Centre. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REQUESTS The former Professional Development Committee will continue to operate until September, dealing with requests fron: faculty in both Kwantlen and Douglas Colleges. Faculty requests from Douglas will be routed through the Divisional Dean, and sent on to the Committee through Gerry DellaMattia's office. Gerry will keep a watching brief on re- quests and decisions, in order to spot any anomalies, Our own Professional Development Com mittee will go to work in September, once we have carried out a final al- location of the budget. 5 YEAR PLANS The Ministry requires that Douglas College generate 5 Year Plans in Ed- ucation, Facilities and Finance. The Management Committee has agreed that the most appropriate approach to this task will be to provide interim positions only to the Ministry, pending the proper: development of a 5 Year Educational Plan, from which other projections and cal- culations can occur. In the meantime, the assumptions upon which the New Westminster Permanent Campus have been based will provide the main body of projections that will gov- ern our stances and priorities. The Management Committee agreed that the primary task of our new goverance system would be to generate a5 Year Plan recommendation for the College Board by (approximately) May, 1982. This will involve not only system of policy committees, but also the active involvement of the Douglas College Board, and the students, as part of a total effort. ‘Welcome Back JACK FERGUSON COMES HOME The Criminology Program has been author- ized to convert one of its temporary positions to ongoing status. We are delighted to announce that Jack Ferguson , the first full-time faculty member in our Criminology Program, and the Program's Coordinator for many years, has decided to claim this position and come "home" to Douglas. Welcome back, Jack!