int (BEDS SD BEDS > i aura OM PES ER x 5a 3). one A , a 7 SAO Nye 7 WY Wy YM v f ( 6 A f x mer tl Ed | TONIGHT! (Wednesday, December 19, 1973) EVERYONE WELCOME! COME AND JOIN US AT: 5:30PM Rehearsal, Douglas College Band Room New Westminster campus 6:15PM St. Mury's Hospital, 220 Royal Avenue, New Westminster (Refreshments to be served.) 7:00PM Royal Columbian Hospital, 330 FE. Columbia Street, New Westmins ter 8:00PM Surrey Pkace Shopping Centre, 10153 King George Highway, Swirey, Lower Makk Level. FOR THOSE WHO CAROL, "CARLINGS" OFFER A REWARD - LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED Fon further information, contact Ethelyn Metcalfe, Local 211, New Westminster campus. La LCN ae FN AEN (Ark Bw 0A us ri Be ee aV AS (Ae ‘ NA . . ‘ NM DREVGRLOBR OO CI NAS NAS ‘ DG 4 Y