© Features the other presse Barbara K. idamski e opfeatures@netscape.net September 24, 2003 INTERESTING INVERTEBRATE FACTS The Onion-smelling Cockroach (Blaberus gigan- fia) emits an onion-like odour when in danger. The Australian Prickly Leaf | Insect (Extatosoma tiaratum) sheds the outer cell layer of its lungs and kidneys. Velvet Ants (Dasmutilla _ spp.) are actually wingless wasps. The White-eyed Assassin _ Bugs (Playtmeris biguttata) from Eastern Africa morph as a means of reproduction. Some wood bugs have dif ferent colourings, just as humans have different hair colour. The largest living spider is _ the Goliath Tarantula (Theraphosa blondi), with a 30 cm leg _ span (This spider is not at _ _ the Bug Lab). The Mexican Red-knee __ smithii)—now an endan- _ | gered species and on dis- _ play at the Bug Lab—eheds - little hairs when it feels | threatened. Other animals _ _ (including humans) find these hairs irritating. The Madagascar Hissing ~ Cockroach (Gramphadorhina portentosa) is the edible bug on some reality TV shows. Scorpions cannot swallow solids. Instead, they repeat- edly vomit a mixture of digestive juices onto their prey. The juices reduce the prey’s body tissue into a “soup” which the scorpions can then ingest. E Asana (Rachypcine | Beetle, which ch: versity, she studied bio five, women in the Going Buggy Barbara K. Adamski Features Editor spell out the names of differen Children wander around in whi coats carrying clipboards, di b 4 to. 4: They are g interested in t reatures that homes in the « the Bug Lab Invertebrate Zoo. The Bug Lab is one of the newer busi- ‘nesses on New Westminster's Columbia Street. Opened in the summer of 2003, it is home to roughly 25 different species f invertebrates, inclu rts on its predators). ibits are meant to educate,” mn, herself, has been intrigued by bugs since she was a young:child. In uni- went on to “entomology, one of only , and devel- undergraduate lev tain a Masters d study of insects. oped lasting relationshe with the other female students that extended beyond the world of bugs program at was during the graduate that she studied under Dr. Geoffrey Scudder, in entomology, head of rder of Canada in 2002. spiration to her and she extremely lucky to have See, Page 14 http://www.otherpress.ca received his mentorship. Heron has bred some of invertbrates at the Bug Lab herself. whers, she has obtained from people eep them. While ‘may be cool or people against vertebrate Zoo, located at 4 She es “616 Columbia set Miw ledge “The exhibits are Street, | New though, that Westminster, some people are » BC, is open genuinely fasci- meant to educate, Wednesday, nated by arach- . Thursday, and ds and my asserts Jennifer Heron, saurdaygfrom tually want to 10:00a.m-"" to geen do = gwner and operator ° Uip- = spider FEJlda™ thing for hours 10:00a.m. to on end. Thirty of the Bug Lab 8:00p.m.; and years, however, is quite a com- mitment. As a Invertebrate Zoo. child, Heron “They ve not meant to ject to change herself — kept with the sea- invertibrates for 29 son). pets—but just Scare P cop le. the garden vari- The Bug bab ety. She wasn't allowed tg g Interestingly though, man dren who visit the zoo, ask to. nary wood bug. Heron laug that wood bugs are already in many local back yards. The Bug Lab is a hands-on place. Most of the invertebrates can be held. The tarantula, however, is not one of t While it is unlikely that it would bi can, and that’s not the type of publicity the Invertebrate Zoo needs, Heron wants pple tc to get past that acquired fear of ‘14, private tours, workshops for also hosts birthday parties for kids a mca tors, and offers professional consulting. There is a fun and funky gift store at the front with everything from cute bug caps for toddlers to worm-laced lollipops. For adults you'll find reference books, garden and household novelties, and plenty of reasonably priced gift items. For more” Eafe qnation call 604.523.BUGS (2847) or check out their website at .