: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD of the ‘Board “were “Present subject. We contin ue to be y e Map] ple Ric . sear joir t educational effort in tt On September 10th, I had a meeting with state of ‘the | Fe Federal f Business vat re Japan, and one major ins va a ni : ’ as } le! bh ’ : 7 ie ae qi! 2 aeenaanar | 19, 1986. = ae a ec ra hE a - During early duly, s staff work ae nued 0 on the “movement, of programs :: from | VI/BCIT to Do uglas a oe a belaee BO Psychiatric “Nurses has r egistered at ‘Dou las, rb ty | have now rat Par from BCIT to Douglas in the Psyc ‘hiatrte N ralng Frog gram. arrangements ; are in place now for the: ‘movemen’ t it of Pacu ey meper es From Tin the areas of Business ‘Training and in Adult nc ic Ed ucati jon. ; On duly 25, Mr. Elwood Vei tch, Parl jamentary Secretary to cy instar’ ion visited ie pela e and held discussions with tatives of our dif Pree lege constituencies. ~ Memb that meeting, and Py be f miliar with its nature. a wr = mip es os. “continue (beter ‘the chief Behan Officers | of the Justice ce Inst tute, Capilano, Vancouver Con unity, “Douglas” “anc i rics ea re egarding further rationaliz ion of prograns on the tae Mi Mainland. — 1 f ; re On ‘September Beis a major meeting was held in ee Ridge ieee piel ‘ - the _implementati on of the co-o} erative agreement for “educatio al development. — Mr. “Doerr will be making periodic het on this happy with the quality of the admi ntserattons and sia pranise Seanre, r el relationship with th ig e Development Bank in New Westminster, in order to descri ns diecrions: of the new Centre "for Enterprise Deve Topmen based | t Douglas ‘ollege. ‘The interest ve strong, and we: have been assured oF support from that aaENGH ‘ } On | September 16th, T attended a oe ‘of the Public” Information “ Committee of ‘the: AC, as the re esentative from the icovnent, Principals. se at =. ‘in advertising and pub tte Gnformation continue. Wr. Moen jane will report. as, further details: emerge. i Work cerns: on a “sales trip” ies 0 dapan and Hong Kenge? de aa of the establishment of our C for International Education. Basically, contact has been ee 2b] i Shed with five institutions — in at ee Kong - in all cases with fais aaa ‘exc see and eo contrac ting. ‘fe the prospect of faculty an