opinions // 20 Measuring self-control » What does it really mean to have discipline? Elliot Chan Opinions Editor M opinions @theotherpress.ca cientists, psychologists, and monks for centuries have been studying this defining element of humanity. Having self-control or discipline separates us from our caveman ancestors and the animals if we have it, and how much is too much self-control? It’s believed that having a measure of self-control in one’s life will help in developing wisdom and willpower, while trumping hurtful impulses. We all have urges to do compulsive things—for example, at any moment we can walk up to someone and shove them, or while we are driving we can steer the car into oncoming traffic. But we don’t, because we have self-control. On the extreme scale, this type of self-regulation keeps us alive. On the other hand, this management of oneself is hindering us from reaching our full potential. The thing about self- control is that we can only : control ourselves in so : many ways before the sink : of urges overflows. That is : why sometimes we end up : buying a magazine ora stick : of gum in the impulse section : at the checkout line. We are : bombarded by temptations : daily and the only way to keep : ourselves from cracking is to : give in once ina while. Get : another glass of beer at the bar, : buy another pair of shoes, and around us. But how do we know ? sleep an extra hour—these are : little things that may foster : guilt, but at least it doesn’t really hurt anybody. Because we are trying : to govern ourselves in so : Many ways it is important to : acknowledge it occasionally. : After all, few people will : know what you are actually : controlling within yourself. : Learn to reward and penalize : your actions. Studies have : shown that punishments : are more encouraging than : rewards. Do this as quickly : as possible after it has been : recognized. Having self-control : is having self-awareness. Those who have good : self-control will tell you that : they have apt self-affirmation. : They are able to think about : why they are doing something : instead of just doing it. If : you are out shopping, ask if : you actually need something : or if the impulse led you to : opening your wallet. If you are : watching a show and it ends on : a cliffhanger, ask if you really : need to see the next episode : right away. If you just lost a : round in your video game, : ask yourself do you really : need to achieve the next level : tonight? Challenge yourself : to think this way as often as : possible and you'll find that the : external powers have weakened significantly. I strongly believe that : people should do whatever they : want if it doesn’t affect anyone : else negatively. However, : repeating the same mistakes : and falling into bad habits are : signs of insanity. You know : smoking is killing you, but you : still smoke. You know eating : fast food is bad, but you still : eat it. You know playing video : games is wasting your time, but : you still play. We all pick things : to control and we all choose to : indulge in others. Self-control : is our decision-making process : when we hit a fork in the road : during the course of life; don’t : be ashamed, we can take the : road less travelled. theotherpress.ca Paul is dead » Relax, Kanye West fans will find out who Paul McCartney is sooner or later Elliot Chan Opinions Editor M opinions @theotherpress.ca n New Year’s Day Kanye West and Sir Paul McCartney released a new song, “Only One,” in anticipation of West’s seventh album. Although this should have been an occasion of excitement, it turned into an Internet uproar of ignorance. West fans— perhaps in jest—asked, “Who is Paul McCartney?” and other questions suggesting that West is “shining a light on unknown artists.” At my age, the notion of anybody not knowing who McCartney is or about the Beatles is insulting, perhaps more insulting than the cheap auto-tune song itself. If the statements are meant to be sarcastic then ’ll laugh along (because I get jokes), but a part of me is withering inside. Those who are clueless to the Beatles are like people who : have never seen an episode of : The Simpsons. How? For me, I went through : the Beatles phase around high : school. Before that, I thought it : was music for old people. And : if that was the case in the early : 2000s, then “Let It Bet” must : seem really ancient now. But : there is a timelessness to the : Beatles’ music, and that is why : I feel it’s in a genre of its own. : Like punk, blues, or electronic : music, the indulgence in that : art represents a phase in our : lives we can revisit; the same : goes with the Beatles. I remember the first time I heard “Yesterday’—albeit it : was during the Mr. Bean movie. : [remember how I felt when I : heard “Here Comes the Sun” : and tried to replicate it on : every instrument I had. Then I : remember hearing “Revolution : g” and thought, now this is : getting weird (drugs?). Unlike : a lot of other artists, the Beatles : : were the soundtrack to early : mornings, long nights, road : trips, homework sessions, and : many other scenarios. Then I : grew up and I watched as the : next generation discovered it; : I realized that I was a part of a : chain. Not everybody listens to : the music I like these days, and : oftentimes I have to defend my : taste. But people are drawn to : the Beatles; everybody knows : how their tunes go—even if : they hate them. Whether it’s : your cup of tea (British slang) or : not, the Beatles are like Stephen : King. They have influenced : everybody in one way or : another, but nobody should say, : “Stephen King is my favourite : author.” That'll just make you : look uncultured. Like learning about : history, the Beatles may be : shoved down some young : people's throat. That will : cause resistance for sure. But : if they allow it to digest and : savour what it really is, perhaps : there is hope that the future : will continue listening to the : Beatles and McCartney without : the help of a modern day artist : or being sampled ina rap song.