Write For Ghe other press! cy) Write a feature, make 50 bucks! Get paid to write! Submit a feature-length story to us (1000 words or more) and if it gets published, you'll get a $50 reward! Open to all Douglas College students! 716 Carnarvon Street, New Westminster, B.C 604.521.5344 Contact editor@theotherpress.ca with your story idea before submitting. Duties include conducting interviews, writing news stories, and assisting news editor as necessary. Low time commitment! Must have excellent writing ability. Pay: $250 per month The news editor position will soon be available. If you are interested please submit an application! We're looking for someone with an engaging wn SR varied interests and a desire to contribute. Please apply by Wednesday! Pay: $400 per month Submit your application to editor@theotherpress.ca