dge in English mean being able to greet and converse ith people? If it is so, then making friends with nglish-speaking people would be logically the best way p acquire conversational English. The problem of costly hnguage education is instantly solved because befriending our neighbours doesn't cost any public money. On the contrary, if basic knowledge in English means uency in academic English, then it is public education's andate to teach reading and writing English to both ative-born and English As Second Language students. ince academic English differs from everyday English, all udents start on a similar footing, The cost of funding public education seems bias and eg 's easy to blame EASL students for it. But the extra "s psts are just one of the many common effects of a rap- - BS ily growing population. There’s no doubt immigrants should eventually learn 7 0! 0 () rr ther English or French after arriving in Canada. 0 owever, imposing a language requirement at the begin- ng of the selection process destroys the purpose of migration. Enriching the Canadian society and A r i e HL % ® rengthening its advantage in international trade should P the goal of the immigration system. The proposed ; lection method ignores too many true talents. Fac ul ty & S taff ws TANA WN 7