MAD HATTER He says one of the most interesting aspects of his program is the opportu- nity to learn about the language and history of wines, and why certain wine customs were begun. “The art of ‘pruning’ or cutting back the vines, began with St. Martin about the year 1200,” Warwick explains. “This early vintner tied his burro to one certain vine which in turn produced his grapes.” “Eventually, St. Martin realized his best grapes were the result of the burro eating away the vines during the win- ter.” Assisting Warwick with the program is Debra Kohut, an associated wine con- sultant. The courses begin with the two-week Introduction offered for $36 on January 26 and February 9. The Bargain Wines is offered on February 16 for $20, California Wines is offered march 9 for $25 and the Great Wines of the World, March 16 for $26. All courses will be taught in an enter- taining style which has made Paul Warwick one of the most exciting wine instructors in British Columbia. For information on any of the four Unique Wine Tasting courses avail- able contact Community Programs and Services. BUILDING AIR CIRCULATION - CLASSROOMS In order to obtain the most effective useof the air circulaiton system in CLASSROOMS we would like to remind faculty members of the follow- ing conditions. |. The air circulation system was designed to function best “WITH CLASSROOM DOORS CLOSED”. Open doors are counter productive to the system. 2. The switch with decal “switch on for air conditioning” must be on to activate the air circulation system. When film and overhead projectors are being used, it would be desirable to leave on the special bank of lights. Terry Leonard RENEWAL OF SEMESTER PARKING PASS January Ist, 1987 spring semester parking passes have to be renewed. Make your cheque for $48.00 payable to Imperial Parking Inc. and drop off at the parking office located on PI Parkade. If it is the first time applying for a pass please come to Physical Plant 4800 with proper |.D. and either Terry Leonard or Fran Berg will sign your application. If you are a student please bring your copy of your paid-up regis- tration form and current student card. First time applicants must pay a $10.00 deposit for a card which is refundable when you turn it back into Imperial Parking. Terry Leonard KEYING POLICY Individuals signing out keys must present their College identification prior to receiving their key. Faculty/staff if you leave the College or change offices you MUST SIGN THE KEY BACK TO PHYSICAL PLANT FOR RE-ASSIGNMENT. Requests for additional keys must come by memo to Physical Plant 4800 after it has been approved by your DIRECTOR OR CHAIRPERSON. Terry Leonard NEW LOCAL PHONE NUMBER Please note that my new local is 2301 effective immediately. Tad Hosoi IDENTITY CARDS All College personnel must obtain an identity card which is required for after hours entry, purchasing a parking pass and signing out materials from the Library. Cards can be obtained from Pat Thomasson or Lyn Servedio in Logistical Services, who will update your current card or explain how to obtain one. All full-time employees should have their card validated as “permanent”. Part-time employees will need to have their cards re-validated each term. It is important that sessional instructors do this as the Library will NO LONGER issue separate Library cards. Virginia Chisholm/Terry Leonard LIBRARY ORIENTATION PROGRAM To All Faculty: Our Fall Library Orientation Program is now under way. All English and Communications students will receive an orientation in January and February. Any student may come to the Information Desk in the Library, Monday to Friday at 1300 hours for a tour. Evening class students may come Wednesday at 1800 hours, from Jan- uary 14 to February 18. .. continued