INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / DECEMBER 11, 1990 Mapie Ridge Developmental Studies Program Review This review was concluded in June 1990 and the several recommendations made in the summary are being put into practice for the Fall 1990 and Spring 1991. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Maple Ridge Developmen- tal Studies program is a small unit operating in collaboration with the School District #42 Continuing Education ABE program at the Maple Ridge Centre. Since its in- ception in 1981, it has expanded twice to meet the community demand for college-sponsored upgrading programs. Surveys of community agencies and groups, and of past and present students, conducted during the unit review indicated good levels of satisfac- tion with the program, although several potential referring agencies were unaware of the program’s ex- istence in the community. Until recently, the DVST pro- gram has enjoyed full enrollment. Since September, 1989, the pro- gram has experienced a substan- tial decline in enrollment while the Maple Ridge Schoo! District Con- tinuing Education ABE program enrollment has nearly tripled. However, given the existing rates of formal education levels of resi- dents in the area and the an- ticipated population growth, it is reasonable to expect continued demand for college upgrading in the Maple Ridge area. The issue which emerged as central to all other questions relat- ing to the operation of DVST at Maple Ridge was the collaborative program model. While this pro- gram model enjoys the philosophi- cal support and endorsation of senior management, it appears that the operation of the model could be improved. The committee has made a number of specific recommendations to facilitate a more effective operation of the col- laborative program. The opening of Thomas Haney Centre in Maple Ridge will mark the beginning ofanewerain 4 the operation of the college in that community. An awareness of the pending changes underlies the committee’s recommendations for future directions of DVST programming at Maple Ridge. The recommendations of the committee are as follows: 1. The college should continue to provide and expand its Developmental Studies program in Maple Ridge. Available statistics on levels of formal education, population growth, and increased demand for upgrading indicate a persistent need for a Douglas College Developmental Studies presence in Maple Ridge. 2. The college should address issues related to the operation of the collaborative model for the school district Adult Basic Education and college Developmental Studies program. There is a need for articulation of various parts of the model: a. program offerings b. intake and assessment c. scheduling of courses d. delivery mode of courses and support services e. physical space and supplies f. use of common space and equipment Respective faculties, staff, and administration should be kept informed as to the articulation and revisions to the operation of the model. 3. Cooperative staff training workshops with Continuing Education, Developmental Studies, and academic advisors should be held. The training should include such topics as the basis for program referral, scheduling, explanation of initial intake procedures, content of courses, and mode of delivery of various courses. As an outcome of the articulation process, joint group advising sessions should be available for potential learners who are interested either in school district or Douglas college ABE programs. 5. When the collaborative model has been articulated to the satisfaction of Continuing Education and Developmental Studies, regular and comprehensive information sessions should be scheduled for referring agencies and community groups, alternative program personnel, and the community at large. 6. Promotion of all DVST programs within the college region should focus special attention on the Maple Ridge program. Where feasible, promotions of Adult Basic Education programming should be implemented jointly by Continuing Education and the College. 7, Although senior administration has expressed philosophical support for the collaborative program model, data from the surveys indicates that on-going practical support should be a priority. 8. The committee supports the college’s intention to appoint a senior administrator with sole responsibility to Douglas College at the Thomas Haney Centre. This appointment should be made without delay. 9. DVST instructors who wish to teach in both sites should be supported and encouraged to do so. 10. Method of intake, whether continuous or otherwise, should be matched to the nature of the course offering. continued on page 11 —10—