NAME CHANGE FOR ADULT BASIC EDUCATION he Adult Basic Education Dis- cipline has recently changed its name to Developmental Studies. This change was ef- fected to reflect more accurately the nature and scope of the cour- ses offered by the Discipline. Developmental Studies courses cover a variety of subject areas viewed as preparatory for futher learning in a number of situa- tions: vocational training, carcer/ technical programs, or academic coursework. In addi- tion, students may enroll in Developmental Studies courses as preparation to write the GED tests or for personal upgrading goals. Courses offered include: Mathematics (DVST 110, 210, 310 and 410) Learning and Study Skills (DSVT 140, 240, 340) Literacy (DSVT 120) Developmental Reading (DSVT 260, 360, 460) Spelling (DSVT 220, 320) Writing (DSVT 250, 350, 450) Word Study - phonics (DVST 230) Courses which may be offered in the future, depending on fund- ing, and personnel, include: Science (DVST 370, 470) Biology (DVST 472) Chemistry (DVST 474) Physics (DVST 476) Social Studies (DVST 380 - out- line in progress) The majority of courses are covered at levels from Fundamen- tal through Advanced (Provincial Articulation nomenclature, Ad- vanced Level corresponding to a grade 11 equivalent). The emphasis of coursework in Developmental Studies, because it is preparatory for further learn- ing, is the development of learn- ing and academic skills to success in other, higher-level coursework. Courses, thus, attempt to repli- cate to some degree the type of content and teaching mode which exists in vocational, career /techni- cal of academic programs. At the same time, skills development is the focus. In addition to classroom-based instruction, Developmental Studies provides tutorial instruc- tion for learners functioning at the lower end of the Fundamental Level who are unable or, for varied reasons, unwilling to par- ticipate in classes. The -CARE (Individualized Community Adult Reading Education) Program provides assessment, in- dividualized learning programs, trained tutors, and access to Col- lege resources for such learners. Volunteer tutors are offered initial training through workshops, practicum placements, access to College resources, and ongoing in-service training. Courses and I-CARE tutoring are offered at both the Royal Avenue and Maple Ridge cam- puses, and day as well as evening instruction is available. For further information, please contact the Developmental Studies Convenor, Mae Burrows. She can be reached at Local 4213, or a message may be left with the curriculum field base secretary, Judy Murray, at Local 4200. NEW DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES CONVENOR The new Developmental Studies (formerly Adult Basic Education) convenor, beginning July 1, 1988, will be Mae Burrows. If you have questions about Developmental Studies cur- riculum or other matters, or if you have correspondence or infor- mation you wish to direct to the Developmental Studies Dis- cipline, please contact her at local 4213 or messages may be left with Judy Murray, the curriculum field base secretary, at local 4200. WELCOME... John Tomchick is our new Orientation Clerk and will be here until the end of August. Sylvia Mennear will be the Ad- missions Clerk subsituting for Kathy Rai while she is on mater- nity leave. Sylvia’s new duties will commence on the 2nd of August through til the 3rd of March. We are pleased to welcome both John Tomchick and Sylvia Men- near to the Office of the Registrar. Penny Gallagher IT’S AGIRL! Congratulations to Barbara Maclean. She had a bouncing baby girl, Claire, weighing in at 5Ibs. 12 ozs. on June 19. Both mother and daughter are doing great. CLASSIFIED ADS PRESIDENT - The Common- wealth of Learning - London, England CURRICULUM DEVELOP- MENT SPECIALIST Microcom- puter Applications - Vancouver, Further information on these positions is available on the Bulletin Board in the Personnel Office.