TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD November 20, 1986. MAD HATTER 9 © On November 6th, the Douglas College Resource Centre held a reception for Library Week which Board Members attended. It was a very pleasurable event for all of us. We all feel tremendous pride at the calibre of the Library in this institution. It reflects credit on the Library administration, faculty and staff. On November 18th, Mr. Bert Curtis, of Confederation College, Ontario, visited with us to discuss a research program regarding blockages to access to college education for part-time students. It will be a national research project, funded by the Federal Government. Douglas will be one of 30 participating schools across the country. The administration are very excited about the opportunity to participate, because all of us have a keen sense of growing unease about the difficulties that many of our students are finding in using college services. It will give us a chance in a _ very constructive fashion to take an objective look at ourselves and a lot of other institutions at the same time. On November 12th I paid a visit to Victoria to talk with senior Ministry personnel about the Douglas College situation regarding next year's budget. I will be sharing my impressions of that with the Board in a Closed Meeting. On November 14th there was a meeting of our new Minister of Continuing © Education & Job Training, The Hon. Stanley Hagen, with Board Chairmen. Mr. Murnane will be commenting on one portion at which I was there in a staff capacity. D. Internal Matters - General On October 17th, the College had a very successful formal orientation program for new employees, which is the first such program we have carried out in a long time in Douglas College. It was done under the leadership of our Personnel Department. From the feedback I have received it was a success. It will be repeated in an orderly fashion annually. Regular faculty and staff who had worked as part-time faculty and staff for many years, and who had the impression they knew the College, told me afterwards that they simply had no idea what range of programs we had, or what the actual machinery of the College was. There is a third stage grievance from the Faculty Association, that I am now dealing with. The Board will be informed in due course. Negotiations are still being carried on with the BCGEU. There will be a report in Closed Meeting later. My understanding is that substantial progress has been made, but I have no other information on the subject. © The Acting Dean of the Applied Programs Division is Mr. Jim Sator, who Board Members have met previously as the Director of Commerce and Business Administration. The search for the new Dean is now well underway. Similarly, the applications for the Directorships for Nursing are under consideration. WLD/gb