SE SS Sa ae SHAKESPEARE AND WINE The White Rock Summer Theatre proudly presents an evening of Shakespeare and Wine at 7:30, Wednesday May 2 and Thursday May 3 at Hazelmere Golf and Tennis Club. The evening features the wines of Inglenook Vinyards of California and several of Shakespeare's speeches on the subject and dinner. Leon Pownall, artistic director of the Summer Theatre will appear as Jack Falstaff in the Tavern Scene from Henry IV, part il. Tickets for the event are $20.00 per person. A tax receipt for 2/3 of the ticket will be issued. Seating is limited and an early purchase of a ticket is recommended. Tickets are available from board members of the White Rock Summer Theatre and from the B.N.R. Station. Call Dorothy Jones for ticket information - NW 262 or home, 536-7798. -...-Dorothy Jones PERUVIAN FOLK ART SLIDE SHOW Fred Owen, ceramics instructor recently on a sabbatical to South America will be presenting a slide-talk on Pre-Columbian Fok Art of Peru from 2:30 to 3:30, April 27 in Room 706, Surrey Campus. Refreshments will be served. All welcome. ~...Jeanne Sarich The Mad Hatter is a Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the Spring and Fall Semesters, bi-monthly in the Summer semester, by Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster. Deadline for submissions is Thursday noon each week. For further information contact Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus, Local 283.