THE MAD HATTER * A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 August 23, 1976 FROM: Virginia Chisholm Reference & Spec. Collections Librarian RE: LIBRARY SERVICES In order to maximize student use of library resources this Fall, we would like to inform you of the following library services: (1) Orientation lectures and library tours. (2) Post-orientation library searches. (3) Student reference services for particular research topics. If possible, send us a list of projected essay topics at the beginning of term so we can be prepared. (4) Books, pamphlets, and xeroxed articles may be placed on 2 hr., 24 hr., 3 day, or 1 week reserve at the circulation desk on each campus. (5) Lists of subject headings, specialized bibliographies. Garth Homer will resume his activities as Reference & Orientation Librarian in September. To arrange for the above services, or to discuss any problems or suggestions, please contact his office, local 248 on the Surrey campus. Thank you for your interest! ee ae Ok yee & Assistance is available for small-: scale Training Improvement Projects *® (TIP) from the Canada Manpower office, through the Program Development and Assessment branch of the Department of Education. The small grants are available for innovative, developmental, or experi- mental projects demonstrating improved training/educational techniques. For more information and application forms, call Don Porter's office. SAFETY COMMITTEE FIRST AID HINT NEAR DROWNING WHEN A DROWNING PERSON HAS BEEN PULLED FROM THE WATER, THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE: IMMEDIATELY APPLY MOUTH TO MOUTH VENTILATION AFTER CLEARING THE AIR PASSAGES OF ANY OBSTRUCTION. SERIOUS BRAIN DAMAGE CAN OCCUR WHEN A PERSON HAS STOPPED BREATHING, AND THE PATIENT HAS NO MORE THAN THREE TO FIVE MINUTES TO LIVE IF BREATHING IS NOT RESTORED. DID YOU KNOW? THE MAJORITY OF DROWNING DEATHS::CAN BE CUT IN HALF IF MOUTH TO MOUTH VENTILATION WAS KNOWN AND APPLIED. GENERAL STEPS 1. CLEAR AIR PASSAGES WITH FINGER OR POUND ON THE MIDDLE OF THE BACK. 2. TILT HEAD AND PINCH NOSTRILS. 3. BLOW BREATH INTO VICTIMS OPEN MOUTH. 4. WATCH TO SEE IF VICTIMS CHEST IS RISING. 5. CONTINUE THIS AS LONG AS NEEDED. DEBBIE HIGGINS SAFETY COMMITTEE NAME CHANGE Chris Bell is now Chris Manson, but tts stil] Ms. —Chris Printing Dept.