A Have an idea for a story? Mi news@theotherpress.ca ¢ What's going down at Douglas? ¢ The News on Fake News ¢ Douglas College anniversary sparks event and free performance ..and more Career Services to host Career Fair >» Employers and opportunities in abundance Atiba Nelson Staff Reporter Fe", employers will descend on Douglas College with the hopes of hiring Douglas College students this week. Douglas College will host a Career Fair which is open to all students and alumni in the Douglas community. “Employers at the career fair are keen to meet Douglas College students,” said Catherine Williams, Director of Business Development at Douglas College. The employers in attendance will be hiring for numerous positions within their respective organizations, so students need to be ready with a resume and confidence to interact with employers. “Tt’s ideal to have a resume in case you are asked. [Also,] you [should] have some clarity in the kind of work youd like to do; however, being an explorer is also good,” Career Centre Career Fair Employer List March 3, 10 am, Coquitlam campus atrium oyer tion for Community ollege ommunity ours ntessor1 said Williams. Whatever category you fall into, staff at the Career Centre have several tips to optimize your success at the career fair. Other than polishing your resume and bringing it with you, “dress for success” is the mantra that the Career Centre wants perspective students to keep in mind. “Don't be shy! Ask thoughtful questions [by researching] a company’s website before you approach an employer at the fair. Ideally you should know what the company does when you initiate a conversation. [Additionally,] smile! The employers want to meet you and will be hiring, so ask them what they look for in candidates,” advises Williams. Additionally, there are some common mistakes that students can avoid while attending the career fair. Katelin Wood, Coordinator of the Career Centre Programs, suggests that attendees prepare a short AiR ods, ics 10am-3 ie refi oe 8 qt in Ged, Mar. 4 and Thurs. Mar 5 yo ! ° = Get ready with the help Ronee ial of the Career Centre: ponders —a = sa ——_ _ ANN CAR Career Fair Employer List March 4, 10 am, New West campus Concourse oyer tion for Community Oo tants f British Columbia ety o ancouver ution teway tertainment ternatio ctioneer Armed Forces Atrium Tue., Mar. 3 a ~. ed introduction ahead of the fair with a prepared ending so that a positive first impression lasts throughout the interaction time. “Try to avoid creating a line behind you by hogging the employer’s time,” said Wood. Before and after the career fair (and graduation), Douglas College’s Career Centre is open to help students and Douglas alumni with resume preparation, interview skills, and a variety of free workshops. “Students can log into CareerHUB to access our online services and job board. We're here to help,” remarked Wood. Career Services provided a list of employers attending the career fair to the Other Press. For a full list visit the career fair. COLLEGE oouvalas Campus Westminster Photo by Billy Bui Career Fair Employer List March 5, 10 am, New West campus Concourse Oo untants f British Columbia a ternatio ours avy — Armed Forces