Humour. Ski Ninjas | By Kyle Lees Laugh out loud hilarious? Contact the editor at D> [ 50, WHAT Do You THINK IN TERMS CF COLOURS FoR Vv THIS ROOME Blitz Toonz | By Ken Bablitz IT WANT A DINORCE. LET ME SHow YoU SOME SWATCHES. Vern spend the better part of the night wondering just which AIDS joke caused his date to walk out. VS , PU GAMES c You(i73Comedy Classics Girls Are Not To Be Trusted By Joel McCarthy, Graphics Manager http:/ / watch?v=Rcx4_CszaDI] In my opinion, this is the best Derrick Comedy YouTube video. For those of you unfamiliar with the name, it was a YouTube sketch comedy group from NYU whose most famous member is probably Donald Glover, of Childish Gambino/ Community fame. If you find yourself with an hour to kill, try exploring their Pay E Wy U a i, E i S CA R STAI 4 S extensive catalogue. With that being said, “Girls are not to be trusted” is my favourite of the collection, as it explores the true meaning of heartbreak within the confines of a film classroom.