Position: Child Care Supervisor Location: Either Coquitlam or Port Moody Qualifications: Must have completed either the ECE program or equivalent Hours: Split shift (7-9 a.m: and 3-6 p.m.) Salary: $5 - $6/hour Start: Mid-December Contact: Student Placement (Room 2710) for a referral #280. Position: Marketing Person for Co- quitlam restaurant Location: Coquitlam Qualifications: Marketing or Business Administration background. A_ car may be required. : Hours: . . Flexible - 10 hours a week Salary: $5/hour Term of appointment: indefinite Contact: Student Placement (Room 2710) for a referral #276. Position: Relief Support Worker Location: Various areas: Burnaby, Surrey and North Vancouver Hours: Evenings and weekends Salary: Negotiable Contact: Student Placement (Room 2710) for a referral #277. Position: Financial institution is look- ing for Marketing Agent (sales posi- tion) Qualifications: Graduating business students in their last semester This company screens prospective employees carefully. Interested ap- plicants should be aware there is a “‘pre-contract’’ period requiring about 60 hours of testing and work for which they will not be paid. Salary: $25,000 first year Contact: The Student Placement Of- fice (Room 2710) for more inform- ‘the Attorney General. The Other Press Ye old classifieds Position: Commissioned Salesperson Location: Burnaby Salary: Commission Hours: part-time, flexible Qualifications: Initiative. Ideal for someone involved in the pub industry, however, not essential. Large market potential,. you command your own price and set your own hours. Contact: Student Placement (Room 2710) for a referral #278 Announcements INTERESTED IN EARNING SOME EXTRA MONEY THIS SEMESTER? Why not offer your services as a tutor? Please leave the following information with the Student Placement Office (Room 2710): Name Telephone number Speciality Hours available Salary required MEDITATION COULD BE THE ANSWER Fight or flight - these are the two ways that most of us deal with conflict. Avoid the problem if possible or get ready to dig in your heels and fight for what you: want. Unfortun- ately, neither way seems to be very satisfactory in the long run. Whether you’re faced with a neighbourhood noise problem, family dispute or a problem on the: job, why not try to find a better way to resolve differ- ences? Phone the Westcoast Medit- ation Centre for free assistance at 228-9771, local 243. The Westcoast Meditation Centre is sponsored by Canada Works and the Ministry oif DAILY FOOD MENU “HOME COOKED MEALS” é we> December 6, 1985 page 15 Ss a | WeLL BERNIE, IT LOOKS LIKE You'RE NEXT... —_—_——— 13 WEEKS OF HARD WORE AND Now S'4 GOING TO PRODUCE . ee “YY \ > QUESTION 1. Starting from elemenk gie a symthesis for par ~ # JHE TIME HAS COME To _ HOw WHAT T CAN Graphic Ubyssey (2 orks) “aS HOT DISHES 4. FRISCO DISCO SUPER SPECIAL COMBO ..................... $3.15 2. GIANT CHEESEBURGER & FRIES................c. ccc cccceeeuce 2.95 3. JUMBO HAMBURGER & FRIES ............ ccc ccc ccceccccenuce 2.85 4. TENDER BARON OF BEEF & FRIES .........0.... 0c ccc cece ceeeee 3.75 5. ULTRA LARGE CLUB HOUSE & FRIES ................cccccceeeee 3.85 Gos ENGUSH SIVLE- FISHID CHIPS oo 56 oboe rec blk demon cen 2.90 : 7. STEAK SANDWICH, TOAST & FRIES.............cccccccccccceees 465 8. HOT CORNED BEEF ON RYE & FRIES .............. ccc ce cee cece oD Ore B.C APRAWIG et GEIS 200 ooo sos he cie ae Cl ve baal cee 445 . GIANT MUSHROOM BURGER & FRIES .................c0cceeee 2.95 44. JUMBO BACON BURGER & FRIES........0.......0eceeeeee eee 2.95 LEISURE EXCITEMENT 1277 PARSE HOU DiGre es cad ide ccc ede oko Me cidewnle hadi hoeles 1.35 43. FRENCH FRIES (Add Dime For Gravy) ....................0e eee 90 PaO Sal O)\ At COPMCOINERUIN eo le ee eo, ek oe ce Pek 90 mle lam Oli om MLN (os) TRY OUR Excitement & Adventure SPECIAL HOME MADE PYROGIES SNE aoe TRY OUR DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIAL oe Rey ae 6 ae Se ais